Need A Better Microscope!!!


Elite Cafe Member
May 17, 2018
My current set up is a Meiji EMZ5 on an old Acrobat stand. It works, but I find myself constantly adjusting focus and zoom to stay precisely on target and within depth of field/focus. Not casting shade on the Meiji, but getting tired of reaching up to focus within an extremely limited depth of field.

Leica A60 from GRS is a natural choice.

This is the last/only microscope/stand combination I ever want to buy.

Thoughts, suggestions, recommendations?

Thanks in advance!

Mike Rogers
505) 263-8822


Elite Cafe Member
Aug 7, 2019
Raleigh, NC
Mike, You might NOT need a new microscope. When I first tried a Leica A60 in a GRS class, I had the same issue with the standard 0.63 objective lens. I had them switch it out for a 0.50 and fell in love. That is what I bought. If I want, I can see an entire 2x2 plate and I can drill down tighter than I ever use. I understand that many jewelers prefer the tighter views of the higher power lenses, but many firearms engravers do not. Also, the 0.50 lens gave me more distance under the microscope, which was greatly appreciated--especially when using a Maestro handpiece for stippling. Why not first see if you can find a different objective lens to try?


:::Pledge Member:::
::::Pledge Member::::
Jan 10, 2007
OK. I'm sold. Thanks Sam!
And it would be good if you get the Acrobat for the A60. I tried to make do with the old acrobat for the Meiji but after a few months I ordered the new stand. And you can sell the Meiji with the acrobat stand and make someone very happy.


Si si

Nov 15, 2018
I’m completely sold. I’ll be purchasing within 3 weeks if not sooner. I’ve been kicking myself in the butt for a year now that I didn’t purchase this when instead I got the AMscope. A lot of known engraver swear it’s a great scope for them. I’ve been blessed to be working 8 hours a day engraving and the AMscope has been thee worse purchase I’ve made. Every 15 minutes I have to refocus and it drifts not to mention the headaches. I went back to my old B&L and none of this happens. I have question about the headrest. A few months ago on FB I expressed my problem with my eye pieces fogging up and I believe someone told me the headrest should help with that? How many of you find the headrest beneficial?


May 11, 2021
Humboldt Ca.
Thank you every one . I thought it was just me, I too need a new scope . I used a swift scope for years at a dental lab , I think it helped ruin my vision ya I am 60 now but still I had real good vision until I used cheep scopes. Thank you Sky I was looking at a AMscope too. I am getting too old for cheep scopes, going to go with the Leica also .


Chief Administrator & Benevolent Dictator
Staff member
Nov 6, 2006
Covington, Louisiana
I’m completely sold. I’ll be purchasing within 3 weeks if not sooner. I’ve been kicking myself in the butt for a year now that I didn’t purchase this when instead I got the AMscope. A lot of known engraver swear it’s a great scope for them. I’ve been blessed to be working 8 hours a day engraving and the AMscope has been thee worse purchase I’ve made. Every 15 minutes I have to refocus and it drifts not to mention the headaches. I went back to my old B&L and none of this happens. I have question about the headrest. A few months ago on FB I expressed my problem with my eye pieces fogging up and I believe someone told me the headrest should help with that? How many of you find the headrest beneficial?

I have never used a headrest. When I started with a scope in '82 there were no stands available with enough reach for bench use, so we had to build our own stands which didn't have headrests. I don't see how having one will eliminate fogging of the eyepieces unless you're getting too close. You could adjust the headrest to prevent that if that's what's causing it.

Si si

Nov 15, 2018
I have never used a headrest. When I started with a scope in '82 there were no stands available with enough reach for bench use, so we had to build our own stands which didn't have headrests. I don't see how having one will eliminate fogging of the eyepieces unless you're getting too close. You could adjust the headrest to prevent that if that's what's causing it.
I think after a few hours into the day I’d end up with my face touching the eye pieces which could be noticed by me having two simi circles around my eyes from the eye pieces. A few fellow engravers expressed that maybe a head rest would help me keep my face off the eyes pieces. My original issues of my eye pieces fogging up are still present after I did what others told me to try Such as dish soap and anti fog products. Since I’m now going to be getting a Leica I’m hoping I won’t have that problem.


May 11, 2021
Humboldt Ca.
Thank you every one . I thought it was just me, I too need a new scope . I used a swift scope for years at a dental lab , I think it helped ruin my vision ya I am 60 now but still I had real good vision until I used cheep scopes. Thank you Sky I was looking at a AMscope too. I am getting too old for cheep scopes, going to go with the Leica also .
Swwwweett my A60 landed today I can see more with the A60 with the ring light off than I could see with my old scope and both lights on . Out of the dark ages and in to the light Thank you Sam !

Si si

Nov 15, 2018
Swwwweett my A60 landed today I can see more with the A60 with the ring light off than I could see with my old scope and both lights on . Out of the dark ages and in to the light Thank you Sam !
Did you get the .5 or the .63 with it? I ordered mine last week and was shipped this morning from Tira. I went with the .63 after some discussions. I’m nervous that maybe I should of stuck with the .5. no matter I’m pretty excited. I didn’t even put in a full day because I just want to wait till it gets here.


May 11, 2021
Humboldt Ca.
Umm where to start I am so jazzed up over this scope . The .5 will give you room to drive a truck under to scope. with the .63 you could still engrave with boxing gloves on. Ok I will calm down. I have a 5 inch Victor engraving ball with a leather bag ( enough sniggering the price was right ) with no lens just the cover glass I had enough room to work with my two large bear paws and still had more room than my old scope. Now put on the .5 lens ,I can't lower my vice enough or raise the scope enough ( not to worry this too will change) so just to see what I could see I took my vice off the leather pad and looked thru the scope, slight adjustment ,and I could see most of the pad in focus. almost 6 inches more working room and 3 1/2 inches or more field of view depth of focus is an insane 3/4 of an inch easy. I could see from the top edge to the center hole all in nice focus. You will love your new scope. Ps there is whispered to be a .3 lens out there you could engrave and do your toe nails at the same time.

JJ Roberts

:::Pledge Member:::
::::Pledge Member::::
Nov 10, 2006
Manassas, VA
I purchased an AM scope after watching fellow engraver Thierry Duguet using one at a gun show with hammer & chisel and push tool I liked what I saw of Thierry engraving with the AM scope clear and sharp I only use mine for Bulino engraving game scenes. J.J.


Dec 23, 2016
Looking forward to ordering my A60, hopefully soon. I really enjoy reading your evaluations. So what did you get for lenses? Preference and experience please... I am evaluating my bench set-up, etc to see what would work best for my work. Thanks for any and ALL info!


~ Elite 1000 Member ~
Nov 9, 2006
Doylestown, PA
As for lenses for the Leica A60, the .63x is the most popular from my experience. I also sell a lot of the .50x - it depends on how tall you are and what you need to see. The magnification is inversely proportional to the working distance so, yes, you get more room to work with the .50x lens, but you have less magnification too.

Another consideration is how tall you are and how much room you have on your bench. I'm 5'4" and I can work with the .50x lens, but it puts my hands down lower than is really comfortable for me. Now a 6 foot guy may think that is great because his arms and shoulders can drop a bit and he won't be all crunched up.

I also have a policy about swapping lenses for my customers. If you but the Leica from me I give you 2 weeks to install it and figure out if you purchased the correct lens. If not, and the lens comes back without scratches, I swap it for you. Most people guess correctly the first time, but I do swap quite a few lenses too. Theory is different than what happens when you install the scope on your bench.


Chief Administrator & Benevolent Dictator
Staff member
Nov 6, 2006
Covington, Louisiana
I'm a 0.5x guy myself. The 8" of working distance is a great benefit to me, and both my Leica and Zeiss scopes are setup for 8".

I should add that a 0.5x on a Meiji EMZ-5 will give you about 6" of working distance. On the Leica A60 it'll provide about 8". On my Zeiss scope I use a 0.4x to get the 8" of working distance.


Sep 27, 2015
Honolulu, Hawaii
I fully agree with using the .5 on the Meiji... perfect working distance.

As a side question..... Anyone's thoughts on the Leica Flex-Arm stand vs. the Acrobat Versa for Leica? Pro's and cons?

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