it's possable to learn engraving using only a flat graver to start. as slill is gained, other gravers can be used to finalize a design. this is primarily for newbies.
the flat has always been my favorite tool.VERY NICE.............THANKS MONK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Yes Sam.Knifemaker and engraver Harvy McBurnette used a flat graver exclusively for the many knife engravings he did.
n the video a flat graver was used to create the main design. it looks like a 90 was used to do the shade and crosshatch. of the many early engravings i did, i only used flats. i could do quite a bit with them. i began using flats and rounds together. and then added 90's to my arsenal as i gained more experience. i am self-taught.Monk, please correct me if I'm wrong (I usually am), of the three gravers you used..............only one was flat?