John mentioned these homemade gravers in a previous thread, and graciously sent me some samples to try along with a nice description of how he makes them (attached photo). Using his method you can turn 1/16" (1.6mm) burrs, drills, or round stock into handy gravers, punches, stippling tools, etc. Not only that, but the square brass tubing they're soldered into allows them to be clamped and sharpened in a graver sharpening fixture. Obviously you can clamp round stock in a sharpener, but when it's time to resharpen there's no way to quickly orient the tool back to its original settings. This is where the square tubing comes in.
Thank you John for this great tip! I'll be testing the gravers this week. / ~Sam
Thank you John for this great tip! I'll be testing the gravers this week. / ~Sam