Set the date make your plans to come to the 20th annual Engrave In. September 12-14 2025 at at Scott Pilkington's home in Monteagle, Tennessee and possibly the last one. We will be working on getting a list of presenters, anyone who would like to give a talk on a subject that they feel would...
The 2024 Engrave In will be September 13-15th.
Lunch is provided on Saturday ONLY, there are several nearby places to eat.
The following will be putting on a presentation on SATURDAY
Ray Cover 9:30 TO 10:15
Tim Cullen of Hooligan 10:15 TO 11:00
The 2024 Engrave In will be September 13-15th. The following will be putting on presentations and we will be adding to this list as well.
Ray Cover of school of fine art engraving
Tim Cullen of Hooligan Georgia custom writing instruments
Brian Powley of Powley engravers
Todd Bowman of bowman...
Monthly reminder to SAVE THE DATE AND MAKE YOUR PLANS to be at this years 2024 Engrave In which will be September 13-15th at at Scott Pilkington's home in Monteagle, Tennessee, we are working on getting a list of presenters, anyone who would like to give a talk on a subject that they feel would...
Monthly reminder to SAVE THE DATE AND MAKE YOUR PLANS to be at this years 2024 Engrave In which will be September 13-15th at at Scott Pilkington's home in Monteagle, Tennessee, we are working on getting a list of presenters, anyone who would like to give a talk on a subject that they feel would...
Very nice work, I am sorry for late reply, I have ben away, as for gravers I only use the Lindsay palm Graver. it is a great piece of equipment , I am not familiar with the others on the market.
Monthly reminder to SAVE THE DATE AND MAKE YOUR PLANS to be at this years 2024 Engrave In which will be September 13-15th at at Scott Pilkington's home in Monteagle, Tennessee, we are working on getting a list of presenters, anyone who would like to give a talk on a subject that they feel would...
Mattline , glad to hear that you are planning to be there. the major thing to be aware of is to expect to learn several techniques and ways of doing things, meeting some great people that are all great at sharing their knowledge in a laid back setting at Scotts home in the mountains. Feel free...