Recent content by Martin Strolz

  1. Martin Strolz


    All older machine may require are new hoses. But that is an easy fix. Take pictures before pulling the old ones out...! Better replace them one by one.
  2. Martin Strolz

    Bram Ramon Engraving a Rolex

    Excellent work presented in a crystal clear video! Bravo! Great design and perfekt execution.
  3. Martin Strolz

    Rod Cameron: an appreciation

    From what I had read on the forum, I always was thinking that this exceptional man would be a very interesting person to meet. Then I had the big pleasure, Rod was in my group of students for the Grand Masters 2009. We always had a splendid time together, and we enjoyed each others company a...
  4. Martin Strolz

    Announcement: RIP Winston Churchill

    Winston and I have enjoyed a loving friendship for so many years. I am extremely saddened, but feel lucky to have so many fine memories of all of the great times we spent together. Rest in peace my friend.
  5. Martin Strolz

    Wenn Sie einen jungen versierten Graveurmeister kennen, der in den Lehrberuf einsteigen will...

    Wenn Sie einen jungen versierten Graveurmeister kennen, der in den Lehrberuf einsteigen will, bitte vermitteln Sie den Kontakt!
  6. Martin Strolz

    Servus! Ich habe neben meiner Unterrichtstätigkeit sehr viel und leidenschaftlich graviert, nun...

    Servus! Ich habe neben meiner Unterrichtstätigkeit sehr viel und leidenschaftlich graviert, nun ist es genug. Nach Beendigung der Tätigkeit in der Schule arbeitete ich noch sporadisch für befreundete Auftraggeber. Nebenbei habe ich Kajaks gebaut. Nun bereite ich...
  7. Martin Strolz

    Question: Search colleagues

    Here is another sample. This was done for an old family with a history back to the 14th century. The seal body was made to look similar to old Gothic shapes, was modeled in wax and cast in bronce. The design of the seal the customer did himself. It also resembled the Gothic style, on the picture...
  8. Martin Strolz

    Question: Search colleagues

    ...and the final result. I look for more samples in my archives. Cheers, Martin
  9. Martin Strolz

    Question: Search colleagues

    Hello unplugged, ..not quite Germany, but nearby in Austria. Now and them I had some demand for these interesting type of work. This coat of arm I had drawn for the client and he wanted it engraved in two sizes, beacuse he sometimes wants a ring on another finger... Her some progression shots.
  10. Martin Strolz

    Engraving a chrome plated axe head

    Why not offer the customer to make and engrave a nice plaque (of a metal that is nice to cut and to finish) and srew or glue it onto the shaft? This would even look better than the engraving on the axe itself, and would make the whole piece look more interesting. Cheers, Martin
  11. Martin Strolz

    Need Help - Small Project

    This would be the ideal typefont for this job. From Deckel, Germany. Martin
  12. Martin Strolz

    Grandmasters 2019

    Congratulations Sam! You very well deserved this honor, Sam! For sure you did an excellent and very professional job. I know what a huge challenge and as well great delight is to teach the Grandmasters at GRS, even for a well versed instructor or teacher. I have vivid and great memories of 2009...
  13. Martin Strolz

    Today's fixturing tip

    It´s called burnishing and widely used in the US. Here you can read about these common techniques: There was some flex in the machine, play in the spindle or/and the engraver did not guide the stencil well enough. Thus the character looks so wobbly...
  14. Martin Strolz


    Congratulations Sam! I remember that was feeling a bit lonesome during my first few solos... but what a rewarding achievement and pleasure! Great activity, - just demanding enough for you. I hope you enjoy it as much as I do (without engine)! Safe flights and happy landings! Martin
  15. Martin Strolz

    Help, please: Massive Steel Background Removing

    Hi Tom, Here is how a similar design can look like, if it is CNC-engraved properly. This was student work done in really tough, inoxidable steel. The handle is about 5mm thick, engraving depth 1mm. Hand work: Filing and polishing of the blade, surface line engraving and matting of the backgrounds.

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