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  1. R

    3D illusion engraving

    Hi Monk, I engrave only the jewelry I make in my studio. I haven‘t given it a thought yet. I did not intend the 3D effect, I was surprised by it. It is suitable for things that move, like earings and pendants… For a start….
  2. R

    A working Brother printer transfer method

    Tried another brand (Toppits) of german „sandwich paper“ today, the transfer was to my total satisfaction… Cheers Ralf
  3. R

    3D illusion engraving

    Hi folks, ready for some abstract engraving? Normally I don‘t dare to post my work, as it‘s jewelry and I‘m not gifted on the (hand drawing) artistic side. But with the help of Procreate‘s Liquify option I created a pattern that surprised myself when it was engraved. If you look at the first...
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    Graver or Scope?

    My microscope (Olympus SZ40, X20 oculars, 0.62x Barlow lens) made the huge difference for me, at the time for stone setting, which required only short graver strokes. Quality and control was much better than with the Optivisor. Stone’s size 1.5-3mm, three or four point bright cut settings. I‘ve...
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    A working Brother printer transfer method

    Hi T.G.III, I read about your aftermarket toner post before and was pondering buying some non-Brother toner. The sandwich paper was the last attempt before changing the toner. Cheers Ralf
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    A working Brother printer transfer method

    Hi Monk, that‘s the problem with recipes from other continents, the brands of stuff we put to an unintended use are hardly comparable… But I know of some european readers in the Café, maybe it helps them. The paper roll in the attached picture maesures 28 cm x 16 m, did cost about 1 Euro and...
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    A working Brother printer transfer method

    I’ve finally found a transfer method that works with my Brother laser printer. Brother’s laser toner is notorius for unreliable aceton or Dammar transfers. The advantages of my method are: no printer or toner modification, no expensive transfer paper or plastic sheet, no paper fibers left on the...
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    Saltwater Etching Instructions

    When you are patient, you can etch copper with powdered sulfur and olive oil. No, I’m not joking, it works. I got the recipe from a french book. I use it as substitute for liver of sulfur, to blacken silver and copper. If you leave it longer on the surface, it attacks copper. Works best warm, I...
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    I wipe the sides of the blades with candle wax in the direction of the teeth for lubrication. Sticky stuff like oil, burr saver or pure beeswax did not work so well. Most breaks occure to me on the upward stroke, when some chip of silver jams the blade in the cut and the workpiece lifts up...
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    Heel drag issues

    I recently discovered that too short a heel causes problems with heel drag. I agree this sounds paradoxical. The same graver geometry (face/heel/V angle) I have to hold over the workpiece at a lower angle to achieve a constant cutting depth when the heel is very short, and at a steeper angle...
  11. R

    Does anyone know a good engraving teacher in Germany?

    I have the same question, searching a teacher in souther Germany. I searched the forums for Martin Strolz‘ posts, but found nothing teaching related. Cheers Ralf
  12. R

    innovative german workholding system for irregular 3D shapes

    Saw today an innovative workholding system for irregular 3D shapes. I put a coaxial connector in it just to demonstrate the principle. see picture. All the pins are spring loaded, you put your workpiece in and thighten a bit. The pins will conform to the surface. And now, you can lock the pins...
  13. R

    Gold turning greenish in pickle

    Nitric acid attacks silver and copper, but leaves the gold alone. Hence the german name „Gelbbrenne“ (yellowing pickle). Muriatic acid might actually work, as it attacks Silver, but is soon stopped by an impermeable layer of silver chloride. As there is very little Silver to dissolve, it might...
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    Gold turning greenish in pickle

    Hi Aman, this is a perfectly normal behavior for a Gold-Copper-Silver alloy. When soldering or annealing it, only the copper oxidises, your workpiece turns black. The citric acid pickle (as well as the sulfuric acid, sodium bisulfate or the sulfamidic acid pickle) dissolves the copper oxid but...
  15. R

    iPad or ?

    In Europe, iPad and iPhone are very popular items for ebay fraud. Hence I prefered brand new ones. Is it different in the states? In mayority honest iPad sellers? Cheers Ralf
  16. R

    iPad or ?

    Hi Roger, You’re right about the beauty of the Alsace, we live were other people come to for their holidays. I choose the location carefully after living 5 years in Grenoble, in the french Alps. I‘ve not regretted it after 20 years… The iPad is not yet up for replacement, I‘m not using all...
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    Handpieces on Graver Helper (newbie here)

    Well, as you have the machine already, you might as well try to get it working. I use the same machine, bought from ebay many years ago, before I knew about the engraver‘s café. You might take a lead from the GraverMax manual ( for...
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    iPad or ?

    I second the 256GB memory choice (iPad 12.9 3rd generation, bought it 2019, still only half full). I bought also a dual port USB-C + USB-3 Flash memory stick for easy file transfer to Windows systems (printer…) and as external memory. For drawing you could also use Vectornator (free), I use it...
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    Engraving Tape

    Maybe with “engraving” the advert means “laser engraving”…
  20. R

    Repository or files with practice art/monograms, scrolls etc.? is a good source for (mainly old) books on the Acanthus, engraving, monograms and stuff look up “on-line engraving resources” with Google Leather patterns and ornamental wood carvings are good sources as well antiques (engraved boxes, jewlery…) and gun cataloges? Sam’s engraving...

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