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  1. Goldjockey

    Question: Throwback to an old thread

    There's a little one word link at the bottom of my post. "watch". Here it is again. Enjoy! watch
  2. Goldjockey

    Question: Throwback to an old thread

    They do put on a great show! Amazingly versatile too. Love their latin stuff. Don't know if you like Cajun music, Mitch but I came across this playlist on YouTube and aside from the occasional ads, it's great! There's a little bluegrass, and old country mixed in too, but I love it all! watch
  3. Goldjockey

    Question: Throwback to an old thread

    Raul Malo, Mavericks:
  4. Goldjockey

    Restoration of an old Boutet's flintlock pistol

    Travaux de restauration fantastiques! Vraiment détaillé et original à tous égards. Votre petit-fils se souviendra de cette expérience pour toujours et, espérons-le, la transmettra à ses propres enfants. Quelle merveilleuse tradition! Merci beaucoup de partager cela avec cette communauté...
  5. Goldjockey

    Critique Request Bird template, less funny name this time.

    The only way you absolutely avoid copying someone else's work is to start your project with a clean sheet of paper. Absolutely blank. You start from scratch and draw from ideas, memory, and impression. If you're lucky enough to have your own photo of whatever you're drawing, you can start with...
  6. Goldjockey

    CANON D 530 Copier

    I was under the impression that for Pictorico transfers, one needs to use an inkjet with colorfast ink, and Prismacolor cool grey markers.
  7. Goldjockey

    Question: leonardos light

    Just ordered yesterday. It’s shipping from Argentina, so will probably take some time to arrive.
  8. Goldjockey

    Announcement: My new video ADVANCED SHADING Master Class

    Got it. Really excited about this one, Sam! Been watching for it since you teased it on Instagram. For me it's a bit like Christmas on Cinco de Mayo!
  9. Goldjockey

    Question: leonardos light

    Got my order in as well :)
  10. Goldjockey

    Latest knifeprosject and thanks to R. Ronnie

    Thanks, Joern. As I said, your background work is excellent! I've been using very small flats. A 36 or 37 cut even narrower to allow me to get into tight spots. Rolling the graver at an angle from the outside in from the really tight corners. What is so impressive is that you've gotten the...
  11. Goldjockey

    Latest knifeprosject and thanks to R. Ronnie

    A question. Your background removal is outstanding. What methods and procedures are you using to get such a flat clean background?
  12. Goldjockey

    Latest knifeprosject and thanks to R. Ronnie

    Fabulous, Adder! Really outstanding!!! Love the way you've layered the elements to break up the longer portions of the scroll. Also really like the way you've used a subtle narrow backbone for the elements to grow from along the way. All in all, really impressive work!
  13. Goldjockey

    Critique Request Testing the waters, templates and such.

    If I'm just developing an idea, I don't necessarily want to pay full ticket (or anything) for a basic layout I can make for myself without too much trouble, but once I'm confident with the Idea I'm working on, I'm also lazy (or smart) enough not to want to spend the hours that it would take to...
  14. Goldjockey

    Critique Request Testing the waters, templates and such.

    Would be nice to have both options. Basic layouts - Free, and highly detailed layouts -$$. That way your prospective customers could start developing an idea with the basic templates, and move to higher tiered $$ layouts if/when they want to take the work to the next level.
  15. Goldjockey

    Brother where art thou?

    That's good advice, John. If the staff hadn't been running away from me (and everyone else in there) as fast as they could, I'd have done exactly that! Fortunately there were some very good and very detailed posts here on the forum (yours included), so I was able to figure out what type of...
  16. Goldjockey

    Brother where art thou?

    Didn't keep track of time, Monk. It took a while. Hoping I can save someone else some of the time I invested in researching all this, and maybe some $$$ as well. Really hate to think about all the time I spent with my old Brother printer before I wised up, and just bought something that...

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