My eye is drawn to and dislikes the 90 degree intersections in the shading or cross-hatching in the eye cavities. I am not instantly coming up with what would be better.
It's great work
I thought I would share some tracings I have been doing for study purposes that I thought might be of use for new engravers starting out. I'm not sure whose work each belongs to, some old some new, some big names in engraving. Would this be OK or would I put noses out of joint putting high...
Just having a go on my phone on my Concepts app at figuring out how I'd engrave this carving design, might be of interest. Hope I'm not high jacking your thread. Just wanted to share what I've been doing to figure out shading more. I thought I knew what I was doing then tried wood carving...
I was just thinking it might help to have a look at what sort of things one might be trying to imitate in 2d with some woof carving pictures.
Having trouble trying to find the right photos :)
This scrollwork would translate well to engraving and reminds me of Sam...
super shy, talk hard to understand, don't know how... if you want some tips and then have a go at that idea yourself though, or is anyone else keen?
Further regarding this knife and my difficulty with the inlay point chipping off or getting virtually no undercut grooves at all.
I decided to yank it out of the block which was easier than expected. I found the thermo loc hadn't melted to it at all but was just loosely rattly sitting there...
Mitch. I took this as rhetorical.
I wish to transfer higher quality because
A. I like engraving some animals and such and my drawing is not so good, so I get enjoyment from engraving from a good transfer (at 1200dpi you can see where they eyes go and put some good marks down for where his...
I had a learning curve using it.
point one being if you want to work in vector use the far left eraser called SLICE
if you use Soft mask which is an eraser with soft edges or hard mask which is an eraser with hard edges then when you export to vector all eraser marks show as white blobs in...
I've found another print setting under the normal print settings that says use system info, I can double the dpi from 600 to 1200. I don't think I'll get better than that.
the app does some good videos including one about making a floor plan which explains scaling well
I've been setting the bed to A4 and stretching and shrinking the engraving design to the size I want. you can select MEASURE and then the size of your strokes displays as you draw them. I draw a...