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  1. papart1

    working while staying at home pm?
  2. papart1

    like this one

    Just the outside
  3. papart1


    O.K.........lets see, I can remove background to the side cut correction getting rid of the inside cut to foster flow on the outside.............................but then, you gotta remove background to achieve this magnificent result,work work................
  4. papart1


    The per sieved advancement in one's own mind which demands you do a bunch of stuff far exceeds the reality of basic scroll quality and it's applications in big and small senerios. Kinda makes you think of your anniversary date..................may 15. To me.....whether hobby or professional...
  5. papart1


    thanks know, looking at the pic, there are bunch of flats, but not so visible through opti's. paps
  6. papart1


  7. papart1


    i know that's right
  8. papart1


    thanks Mr. B now i know
  9. papart1

    working while staying at home

    FancyGuns...........are all of you dots/dashes going the same way, one direction please?
  10. papart1


    this might sound stupid, i get that way sometimes...........WHAT IS MEANT BY THE TERM "SINGLE POINT" please
  11. papart1

    120 chips MUCH SHARPER than 90s

    i think i'll stay with the leather, they have a backing piece that advances to the knuckle,just have to use a rubber band when wore out
  12. papart1

    Help, please: engraving copper

    I've found a slightly wider heel on a 120/40 degree face works like butter
  13. papart1

    working while staying at home

    Dave is that wheel gun yours? Looking really nice.
  14. papart1

    120 chips MUCH SHARPER than 90s

    Mitch....I've found when I started on my hike, I tried finger cotes. They work for me especially to slide across the tops and remove daggers. I have been trying to find silicone large cotes, their performance is outstanding compared to leather and am still looking. Rob
  15. papart1

    120 chips MUCH SHARPER than 90s

    so Mitch, did you go back to the 90?
  16. papart1

    English scroll

    I wish I could help Mr. Lewis..............
  17. papart1

    working while staying at home

    today is a really great day for the schooling here....thanks for sharing insight into what makes beautiful engravings from all the gm's.paps
  18. papart1

    working while staying at home

    looking nice Marty.........please keep us informed
  19. papart1

    help! guidance needed.

    it wonders some times also