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  1. D

    Kudu and knife

    Well, think I am about done with the Kudu. Took a break and worked on some other pieces too. TOS, I’m guessing somewhere between 125 and 150 hours on the kudu and 6 each for the other eagle and trout.
  2. D

    Grip cap design , opinions please.

    Sounds like you have the right mindset and you are starting in the right place with paper and pencil. Keep at it and have fun. Dan
  3. D

    Grip cap design , opinions please.

    There are lots of methods for blackening. I usually use Rustoleum Flat Black paint for Stainless. But back to your design. I’m looking at the one on the left,, in the 4 corners you show darker shading than the portions inside which Are lighter grey. what is your plan to accomplish that with...
  4. D

    Grip cap design , opinions please.

    Although it is not a classic scroll design it looks interesting. It also looks like you are drawing a finished design with shading, correct? Pencil drawing shading can be done with the side of the pencil or smudged with the finger but engraving shading is almost exclusively done with fine...
  5. D

    sharpening question

    after 600 grit I use a Lindsay 1200 diamond ‘stone’ and polish with a ruby stone shimmed to 1/2” to fit the templates. Dan
  6. D

    Getting started drawing on procreate in 2021?

    rant/off bad year for me and my family dear jzknives, I wish well for you in 2021 and hope that you start seeing the blessings and opportunities that you and all of us have. Sam and so many others have knelt down and offered their hand to all of us. Be it a dvd, class instruction, or advice...
  7. D

    Who engraved this?

    I made a Bowie knife with a 10” blade and blued a rifle barrel in my High School shop class. Yep, they actually had a hot blue tank in the class shop.
  8. D

    Learning inlay - pendant project

    Very well done....
  9. D

    Beginner Setup Questions

    I agree with Mitch and would start with push gravers. I started with a half bowling ball too and I glued a dryer electric power cord to the top rim. I sat it in a plastic dog water bowl and hot glued the work piece right onto the ball. The electric cord provided a grip for me to turn the ball...
  10. D

    Win 94

    It was a pre-64. 1948 as I recall
  11. D

    Where’s the line?

    I think the last two posts made my point. Every client will have their own line, and it is likely that their individual lines will change over their lifetime. If a client wants a museum piece best viewed with a loupe then that is the line. others Will want a shooter that they don’t spend as...
  12. D

    Where’s the line?

    Hi R. Quecke. interesting question. I have two tats. I knew what I wanted, found an artist capable of doing them as I wanted. I paid the price and have no regrets. Not sure why engraving would be different. Dan
  13. D

    Coarse grit sharpening?

    The other day I tried 600 grit on the heel of a bulino tip. I use the Lindsey templates so the Method I used was to push foward on the 600 grit stone so that the ’Micro-grooves’ Set into the heel would be parallel with the Direction of cut. Something like a serrated edge. Too soon to give...
  14. D

    Kudu bulino progress

    Thanks everyone. Leonardo, I had not seen that holder before. Looks pretty nice.
  15. D

    Kudu bulino progress

    Thanks Leland. I’ve watched your work and I think you can do this. Your eagle was very nice. Dan
  16. D

    Kudu bulino progress

    thanks guys. I just hold the camera lens to the scope eye piece and move the phone around until I see the image on the Phone screen. Works on binoculars and spotting scopes too. Great way to take game photo’s without an expensive camera with zoom lens. Certainly not as good as an expensive...
  17. D

    Kudu bulino progress

    Thought I would clean up some issues in the head and upper neck area. still lots to do. Phone camera through the scope seems to help for distortion. Dan
  18. D

    Seeking photography advise

    Thanks Brant and Marty. i Appreciate the kind words and encouragement to temper perfection with reality and Mother Nature. additionally I learned new information about photography which I hope will assist others as well. Thanks.
  19. D

    Seeking photography advise

    I’m sure you are right Marty. I strive for perfection. Hopefully not to the degree that it removes the fun. I always recall an old saying about an archer. Aim your arrow for the stars and you might hit an eagle, aim for the eagle and may may just hit the dirt. ☺️ But I will try to tone it...
  20. D

    Seeking photography advise

    I thought of pulls off rubs but besides a concern with the lack of really fine detail The butt plate is convex side to side and concave top to bottom

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