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  1. D

    Perugini Visini progress pics

    As always I am photographicly challenged. Here is a close up of an ear. It is maybe 30-40% complete but already starting to pick up some depth with the shading.
  2. D

    Perugini Visini progress pics

    Still lots to do but thought I would provide update.
  3. D

    Critique Request Elephant(progress)

    Overall very nice. My only suggestion is to avoid cutting the outlines as you did. The tusks for example have hard lines. With the exception of fish I use dots or little dashes for outlines. But that is just me.....
  4. D

    Checkering question

    i decided to go with plan A
  5. D

    Checkering question

    I’m just using a 96 degree graver.
  6. D

    Checkering question

    I don’t think that checkering is my thing...☹️
  7. D

    Checkering question

    Thanks everyone. I guess I’ll finish and try to incorporate suggestions. dan
  8. D

    Checkering question

    I’m having difficulty checkering the top lever. Should I keep going with less than perfect checkering which is difficult to see at arms length. Or just remove the area to be checkered and stipple it? thanks Dan
  9. D

    Progress pics on the Perugini Visini

    Single shot rifle. 7x65
  10. D

    Progress pics on the Perugini Visini

    Thanks everyone. I am going to engrave leopards in the game scene locations. Attached is only a sketched example. Also completed the gold lettering. That was the scariest thing I have done in a long time.
  11. D

    Progress pics on the Perugini Visini

    Slow and steady progress.....
  12. D

    Question: Graver heels

    I was curious so I measured mine. 0.010 was long/big. Typical was 0.006. Bulino was 0.003. Dan
  13. D

    Pros of procreate and other digital products

    I’m sure I could find a hundred good things to say about procreate or digital designing in general, but for me the biggest seller is that I have never erased through the screen of my tablet. Dan
  14. D

    Question for advanced members.

    The patina looks different to me, thereby implying an overlay. Dan
  15. D

    Critique Request Knife guard scroll design

    I actually agree with both. A little too leafy for me but still a nice design. My concern though is the ‘cut-ability’ of it. Your leaf folds are so narrow, so close to the outer edge of the leaf that I fear they will merge when you cut them. Won’t know until you transfer to metal and put a...
  16. D

    Rifle progress.

    Forearm metal complete.
  17. D

    Critique Request First scroll design, I would really appreciate your advice/critique/opinions

    Hi Thomas. My first thought was it is much better than my early attempts. Keep up the good work. My second thought was ‘thorny’. I don’t like all the small outside leaf features. I also don’t like the origin. Just my opinions though. How about starting again with something like this?
  18. D

    Kudu and knife

    Thanks Sam. Thought I would see how the pieces I have finished looked on the stock.
  19. D

    Screw head timing

    In line

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