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  1. DakotaDocMartin

    Better Ball Vise Hex Key/Wrench

    I think it was Mike Dubber I saw using a T-handled hex key to tighten up his ball vise. That's a WAY better way to go about it. I never could really give my GRS Low Profile vise a good tightening with the regular key that came with it. So, I bought a 1/4 in. T-handle hex key and cut it off...
  2. DakotaDocMartin

    Sterlium Plus vs. Argentium Silver sheet?

    I ordered out some strips of Argentium Silver sheet back in March from Stuller. I was just now looking on their website and saw their selection of Argentium sheet is down to only a few thicknesses of thin gauges. I now see they have Sterlium Plus sheet listed. From what I can gather, it's...
  3. DakotaDocMartin

    Heat coloring of titanium

    This is also something I would like to try some day. The blued titanium watches with the gold inlay that Chris DeCammilis does for the Montana Watch Co. are awesome.:yes Blue and gold together have a beautiful look.:thumbs up: Heat coloring of titanium: Pale Gold Straw-385 ºC = 725 ºF...
  4. DakotaDocMartin

    Copper, Titanium and Silver Jewelry

    I found this to be very interesting. I don't particularly like the style of his jewelry but, I like the idea of various colored metals in layers. This might come in handy some day. Jewelry Making Class - Composite Metals
  5. DakotaDocMartin

    Critique Request Copper Celtic Knot Bracelet

    Here are a couple of photos of a copper Celtic Knot bracelet I recently finished. You can rest assured I've already picked it apart and learned a few things I'll do differently next time. I know things can get brutal here...:shock: So... have at it... :)
  6. DakotaDocMartin

    Good idea... Remote controlled switch

    I decided to move my air compressor to the basement so I can get away from the noise and the induced vibration it causes (especially under high magnification). Just in case you are interested... I found a remote controlled switch that will handle 1800W and 15A that will handle the 12.5A of...

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