O.K.........lets see, I can remove background to the side cut correction getting rid of the inside cut to foster flow on the outside.............................but then, you gotta remove background to achieve this magnificent result man..............work,work work................
I have found in my learnings (everyday) that the geometry of any graver/burin at any intersecting point is VERY important. To the point of using for 20-30 minutes before dull.......not broke. If one of the heels appears to be microscopically different than the other side..........you are headed...
To all my Brothers and Sisters here and in the service of our great country, my son and all of his law enforcement professionals, our military who also protect us and the medical pro's who tend to our health.
Is some form of blasting, either bead (glass) or perhaps another medium the preferred method to strip gun finish's please? The reason I ask is because I stripped a 38 special wheel gun and thought...........man there has got to be a better way? paps