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  1. Matthew Evans

    Critique Request Dainty flower

    Trying to find designs that would be easy to engrave in an hour or two for the entry level crowd. Flowers never go out of style but tell me what you think. Semper Augustus: a flower who’s petals were beautiful because of a virus.
  2. Matthew Evans

    Amazing reference for birds
  3. Matthew Evans

    Question: Website suggestions

  4. Matthew Evans

    Show and tell

    Show and tell time. I am curious to see what everyone’s practice plates look like, both beginner and expert. I know that it took awhile for me to even be happy with some scratches, but that’s the point, it all takes time. A goal I’ve added for myself is to have a business card practice plate...
  5. Matthew Evans

    Question: Sandblasting or beadblasting

    Good afternoon and I hope everyone is doing well. I was hoping someone out there has had experience with beadblasting steel as preparation for engraving a firearm. At the moment I have stoned and hand sanded my Kimber gold match stainless 2 to a reflective finish with no scrape marks and the...
  6. Matthew Evans

    Question: What’s a day in the life of a professional engraver look like?

    Jokes are welcome too of course, but wanted to revive an old thread of what a day in the life looks like for a full time engraver.
  7. Matthew Evans

    Question: Golden mean calipers

    Anybody enjoy working with golden mean calipers? I know there’s a lot behind them but just curious if anyone uses them in their workflow already before I go and buy an instant regret of 40 bucks.
  8. Matthew Evans

    Stippling a GRS handpiece

    Took a cue from gun grips and am experimenting on my handpiece. I want to get a lighter hand grip for accuracy and decided to stipple my GRS monarch. I like the texture so far. I’ll update my findings when I’m finished. Anybody else try something similar?
  9. Matthew Evans

    Question: Benches to purchase

  10. Matthew Evans

    Microscope tilt

  11. Matthew Evans

    Question: Quotable

    I’m a big fan of, and I know I’m not the only one, of quotable tips or blips when it comes to making art. I’m hopeful you fine folks out there might have some nuggets of advice towards growing outside of your own artistic comfort zone. Just a few examples: -draw super slowly to move into a...
  12. Matthew Evans

    Sketch board pro

    Has anyone bought the sketch board pro for their iPad yet? Just bought mine and excited about receiving it and seeing how much more natural it will feel.
  13. Matthew Evans

    Question: What kind of creations do you make?

    Reviving an old thread idea and seeing what you all have to say.
  14. Matthew Evans

    Question: I have an idea


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