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  1. T

    Start of New Atlas Moth Enamel Project

    mdengraver, I want to say how sorry I feel for the loss of this and believe me when I say, I had thought about saying absolutely nothing at all in fear of it being taken the wrong way!!!!! I am truly saying this as a fan of your work and of course your sense of sharing with others. thank you...
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    Start of New Atlas Moth Enamel Project

    very enjoyable both the pic, the background, and for allowing us to be on this journey. to my Suprise I now understand why you were researching snakes on this MOTH!!! lol mind blown lol. I'm going out to get more popcorn. thank you!!!!
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    Progress Pic Cloisonne Enamel

    I can't wait to see the Atlas Moth! I find your hard work fascinating!!!!
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    Darkening backgrounds

    please let it be known you are getting this from someone that doesn't know anything! not completely understanding your question I offer this. I just lower my background and stipple it to make the background darker and thus making the engraving stand out. then I will add color. some people line...
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    Progress Pic Cloisonne Enamel

    absolutely no doubt about it. it's going to be incredible when finished, thank you. also, the butterfly is already looking great
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    Critique Request Attempting to learn a more flowing style

    you know something that just hit me like a brick in the face. if I get nothing else from this journey in life the most astounding thing I have found is......, I mean with all the craziness in the world today and no I am not going to go off on that. nor do I invite that in here! what I have found...
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    Grand Master Ken C Hunt Drawing Series 2022

    another excellent helping hand. lol I love the no purchase necessary comment. has me laughing so hard I had noooo ,,,I have, tears in my eyes. the amount of people in here that have obviously dedicated their lives to helping old fools like me is just,,,,,, heartwarming. thank you so much for this
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    Critique Request Attempting to learn a more flowing style

    the kind person that posted this please read the above edit please
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    Critique Request Thankful for any help I can get

    hi john, if you could please sell me a bottle that confidence you have in me please. my debt card numbers are 4633 1000 7489 yikes lol. omg sorry got carried away there for a second. its good people like you and soooo many others in here that give old fools like me the hope that someday we might...
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    Critique Request Thankful for any help I can get

    Allen this should be a bible verse for beginners like me. thank you sooo very much for replying!!! your explanation,,,, to me,,, it is priceless. I know who I am talking to in here when I talk. the people in here are not to be confused with may be. you are the best metal painters that have ever...
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    Critique Request Thankful for any help I can get

    this and soooo m u c h more is exactly what I need [I hope] to pound this into my head. I don't know what it is that isn't sinking in. I ordered a few practice plates also. maybe it will sink in if I can feel it, touch it, study it intently dra???? erase it and start over lol, maybe and just...
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    Critique Request Thankful for any help I can get

    john the same as I wrote to monk applies to you as well for not thinking I was insulting anyone but me. I have to start somewhere. if anyone is up for a good giggle I will post my first sc???? erasing. it is scarry as all get out. you are absolutely correct, it is a nice canvas. if I just ruin...
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    Critique Request Thankful for any help I can get

    monk, thank you so much for the reply and in recognizing that I am not in any way, shape or form whatsoever mocking this absolutely amazing art. I have never dra??? erased this much in my entire life. everything I have ever erased always disgusts me and this is no different. after I posted this...
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    Critique Request Attempting to learn a more flowing style

    thank you so much for posting this. it is exactly what I needed to see. by the way it is possibly the most beautiful scroll I have ever seen. anyone that is fool enough to not know why this was posted is just that. I just wanted to acknowledge that this is not lost on me. I am incredibly...
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    Critique Request Thankful for any help I can get

    thank you, kind sir, will do!!
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    Critique Request Thankful for any help I can get

    I'm sorry john it's a practice plate for the receiver of a Glenfield model 60. roughly shaped and drawn. if it's time to burn it and start over I have a lighter also lol. any suggestions would help.
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    Critique Request Thankful for any help I can get

    I haven't added any shading. I am trying to get better. thankful for any help you can give. thank you in advance.
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    Ron Smith's The Making of A Masterpiece

    just joined and picked up a copy. as always thank you Sam for the reminder
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    special adaptor

    np, just trying to help. as always Sam has a great idea
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    special adaptor

    hi monk, I have noticed that we do not live far apart. I have no idea what you are trying to build but I have an old Jewlers lathe over here that I would be willing to let you borrow. if that would help let me know. I would even meet you 1/2 way. if you want to try to make it

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