yes sir, I have that downloaded. life got in the way today and tomorrow. I will pound this out on Friday. you are a lifeline tho. I was picturing there was a compressor in there with a piston, rings gaskets. I figured if nothing else there had to be O-rings all over the place. and all the...
again, I can't thank you enough. nice to see others that like to fix Thier own stuff. I have it ripped down to the point of removing that end that has the valves and vanes in it, but the manual doesn't show anything about the lower end of the gravermeister at all. it just shows the upper end and...
my apologies for not knowing what I am doing on posting pics. i have been reconsidering this post as a how to fix your old gravermeister. if this is something you would like to see? drop a note
omg I think I did it. this is what it looked like when I found it. please forgive the excitement I just figured out how to post a pic and I feel like a little kid with a new toy lol
you know that the guy you are working with is straight up a good guy when he tells you that parts are too expensive here go to the hardware store lol. these guys at grs are great.
thank you tdelewis. it's going to be a little bit more than $4 but not much more. I just put $150 into making sure it works. maybe I'll just use it for a week or 2 first
to me it's worth more than you can imagine. I bought my first gravermax off of eBay. when I got it, it didn't work at all and when I shook it lol. it just rattled. I will not do that to anyone. truth be told, I learned a lot from that experience on how to clean the valve body and how to rechose...
you are a gentleman and a scholar thank you for replying actually I took it to grs when I attended school and got a quote for $400 or so to clean it up, replace the belt, change the gaskets on the upper bottles, change the filters and give it the once over. due to world circumstances, they were...
20 years ago, I bought an engraving machine out of guilt which is a really long story I am sure no one wants too here about. after buying 2 used gravemaxes I have up graded lol. yeah, I know I'm like that. the first one didn't work so I bought another to teach me how to fix the first one lol...
it seems as though one was made to prepare you for the other. i can only speak for myself here on this subject. first off it is important to know I can't draw worth a lick. i have never been and never will consider myself an artist. with that in mind the first book breaks down the art of the...
I am a newbie also. I just picked up a used cannon image class MF4350d for cheap off of the used market place that has a bad reputation today. if for no other reason I can't find a new printer due to the supply chain clog up. I am having trouble getting drivers for it but it copy's and transfers...
thank you for any feedback you can offer and it is indeed a pleasure to meet you all. i have been in awe of your work for years but, like i said earlier i kinda keep to myself due to my inability to carry on an intelligent conversation due to my lack of ability, i was just saying i am...
i really cant believe i am actually going to open my mouth about anything at all in here. you see i am also so green that i still have that new kid smell around me. i also am going to attempt my first destruction of a firearm, but i am going to work on am old pellet gun that cant be fixed. i...