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  1. T

    Barrel engraving setup

    wooow hats off to the metal work. way over my head. I don't even know where to start with the questions I have. I have been thinking about a new table to hold my vise and this just blows that out the window. nice work!!!!
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    Question: Lindsay Air Chasing Graver or Bench Jewel

    with any luck you live near a good man like john. if you are near Pittsburgh I would let you try mine but I have a GRS machine
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    basic english for newbs

    thank you so very much!!! extremely informative.
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    ball vice

    omg john I didn't even know that was part of the pic lol, but excellent points. as always thank your kind and helpful thoughts
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    Question: 901 handpiece upgrades

    thank you, Sam, for posting this. just to make sure of this, the hammer work was also done with the 901 as well? that would be great news to hear that I don't have to get a magnum to do the hammer work for inlay lol. in my case copper inlay is what I am talking or mumbling about. thank you for...
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    ball vice

    thank you soooo very much Sam and John. that never even crossed my mind and just for the record that long mistake looking piece of #$%& isn't even close to done. it's a work in progress. john just ask me to post a pic and I felt like it was time to show something that said I am trying. I intend...
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    ball vice

    yikes I just noticed that my first recent inquiry on this vise subject that went in another pleasant direction totally lol. I noted that I asked about a vigor vise??? I don't know a thing about those at all or much of anything else just to be honest here. it was supposed to say victor and I have...
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    ball vice

    omg john you are waaaay to kind. I am working on scrolls also but those are even scarier than my cutting. I have been thinking about that procreate thingy out there. it just seems to be so much quicker and easier than my pencil erasing's lol. I call them erasing's because I spend more time...
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    hi chich21 if you are interested in that dual angle sharpening fixture, I lost faith in GT

    hi chich21 if you are interested in that dual angle sharpening fixture, I lost faith in GT
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    hi ABJ my dual angle sharpening fixture just went up for sale. I lost faith in GT

    hi ABJ my dual angle sharpening fixture just went up for sale. I lost faith in GT
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    ball vice

    I am embarrassed that I just posted that, here, in God territory!!! please accept my apologies
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    ball vice

    thank you again john!!! my engraving lol??? I don't know if I would go as far as calling what I do as engraving. scratching metal might be a better way to describe what I do. Yeah, I have been a member for a lil while now, but I have been a fan for longer than a trying to get better member. when...
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    ball vice

    as always john b thanks for the reply. I hope to eventually be able to engrave firearms. the problems I will make for myself only God knows at this point lol. it was just a worry of mine because I have 2 of these and hoped I didn't make a bad choice in getting them. again, thank you
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    ball vice

    I have been thinking about this post for entirely too long and there lies my problem. I think too much and engrave to little lol but I am working on that finally. could you please elaborate a little more on this subject please? would this rule out the GRS standard vise/ positioning vise and some...
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    Start of New Atlas Moth Enamel Project

    papart1, not sure about you but, I have my popcorn ready, lol. this is going to be great
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    Scope advice

    monk gave me that hot glue trick so many years ago, I can't remember when it was. I'm still using it
  17. T

    Who let the Genie out of the bottle?

    please put the cap back on the bottle so they can never hide in there again. beautiful work!!!!
  18. T

    Cloisonne Enameled Mandarin Ducks Finished

    my hats off to you sir!!!! my father told me of this incredibly long and minute details of getting a hair line to show thru in the end is a great effect. thank you for showing this
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    Stolen gravers

    I don't know if Allen was suggesting he would donate a few old gravers but if that is the case. I also have a large selection of things I have come across over the years also. I could be good for a few. then again maybe I'm just a grumpy old man lol
  20. T

    Cloisonne Enameled Mandarin Ducks Finished

    just out of curiosity are you firing this then stoning it to make the wires show threw the glass or do the wires actually come to the surface. again amazing!!!!

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