Search results

  1. M

    Fractal Geometry

    Fractal Geometry...
  2. M


  3. M

    The Science of Spirals Ect.

    The Science of Spirals Ect.
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  5. M

    Keumboo Gold Earrings

    Keumboo Gold Earrings See pic
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    Drawing the Acanthus

    Drawing the Acanthus
  7. M

    Progress pic

    Progress pic see pic
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    Baby Deer Born A Few Days Old

    Baby Deer Born A Few Days Old
  9. M

    Todays Pic Turkey Vulture on Roof

    Today s Pic Turkey Vulture on Roof
  10. M

    Cameo Medusa Video from Italy

    Cameo Medusa Video from Italy
  11. M

    Engravings for the King Exposition Catologue Book

    Engravings for the King Exposition Catologue Book...
  12. M

    Knight Helmet

    Knight Helmet
  13. M

    As We Engrave During These Difficult Times...

    As we engrave during these difficult times and add positive shine and light to our metal canvas..... Eerie unpredictable and scary, that is the blackness of the absence of light! Each moment, each step taken with caution! If your fears are surpassed and you've finished your walk, those evil...
  14. M

    Words for Today!

    Words for Today! Living on the edge can leave one a little edgy! ...But living on the margins with it's many unfamiliar challenges can still be rewarding, as we learn and re-learn old habits, and enjoy the rays of sunshine emanating to us, with its energizing warmth, and through our exposure...
  15. M

    Inverted Leather Carving

    Inverted Leather Carving
  16. M

    Woodcarving Patterns

  17. M

    Animal Pic

    Animal Pic
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    Blue Heron Cloisonne Progress pic

    Blue Heron Cloisonne Progress pic See pic
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    Scroll Work on Tibet Bracelet

    Scroll Work on Tibet Bracelet
  20. M

    Picasso the Engraver Book

    Picasso the Engraver Book

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