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  1. pilkguns

    John Rohner's hammer collection auction

    #1 Today, 09:45 AM pilkguns Platinum Join Date: Jan 2008 Posts: 522 John Rohner Hammer collection auction John's estate is auctioning off the hammer collection. I am sure everyone will enjoy seeing the pictures supplied. I plan to be there and hope to be the high...
  2. pilkguns

    John Rohner's Celebration of Life info

    I got this from Lisa Rohner today. Here is the link to Dad’s service. The funeral will take place at 10:00 a.m. Mountain Daylight Time on Friday April 1 at Sacred Heart of Jesus Church in Boulder. After clicking the link, just click on “Livestream” and you...
  3. pilkguns

    Kay Lane Obituary

    Kay has passed.
  4. pilkguns

    Engraver Meetup in Colorado

    We will have gathering August 18-19 in Cripple Creek, Colorado about 10 miles from Pikes Peak in the mountains above Colorado Springs. We will tour the Mollie Kathleen Gold mine which involves an elevator ride 1000 ft underground and then a train ride on their excellent tour of gold mining...
  5. pilkguns

    Ron Smith in Monteagle May 2

    We will be having a mini Engrave In with Ron and Liz Smith on May 2. please RSVP with me if you are coming
  6. pilkguns

    John Rohner books.

    Thanks to Mitch I was happy to add these to my Engravers Library. I love the progression of signatures. I wonder who will be next in line?
  7. pilkguns

    Engrave In September 25-27

    We will be having a small gathering in a couple of weeks for the 15th annual Engrave In. Seminars and Show and Tell on Saturday and Sunday. Friday will be a barn raising event as we add a little bit more roof to the picnic shelter. Tira Mitchell plans to be drive down and will bring a small...
  8. pilkguns

    Auction of Weldon Lister's new book

    Weldon has graciously donated a copy of his new book that he will personalize to the winning bidder. there is a review of the book here bid high, bid often at this location
  9. pilkguns

    Engrave In 2019 notes

    Please read all if you are coming. Once again we have some of the most famous names in the engraving world attending plus wehave engravers coming from Sweden, Japan and Australia. Oficially we will have seminars Sunday the 9th and Monday the 10th. Beginner oriented on Sunday. More advanced...
  10. pilkguns

    the Godfather of the American Engraving Renaissance turned 96 yesterday

    the R in GRS is still kicking , give him shout if you know him. PM me if you need a number
  11. pilkguns

    interviews from FEGA

    newest video interviewing Frank Brownell Yves Halliburton and Wade Wilson
  12. pilkguns

    FAKE Nimschke

    auction 250a Does anybody know who this "Engraving Expert" is?
  13. pilkguns

    Ron and LIZ Smith

    I learn so many things about Liz one morning including how to fry the perfect egg.
  14. pilkguns

    Birthday Pie for Ron Smith.

    Had a serendipitous suprise of visiting Ron and Liz on his 80th
  15. pilkguns

    interesting antique engraving

    check it out
  16. pilkguns

    21 years ago Chuck Yeager celebrated ....

    the 50th anniversary of his breaking the sound barrier by breaking it again. He had this knife I engraved in his pocket.
  17. pilkguns

    Standing between two giants.

    Was out in Boulder the other day visiting with John Rohner and Ron Smith. A third giant, Amayak Stepanyan took the picture
  18. pilkguns

    Ifan's TED talk about his pursuit of FEGA Master

    worth a watch
  19. pilkguns

    gold from Eric Gold, you can buy !

    wow, finished 20 years ago... I remember seeing this gun in progress.
  20. pilkguns

    Auction to support the 13th annual Engrave In

    This an auction for a Steve Lindsay Classic system to get you started engraving. I want to thank everyone who attended this years 13th Annual Engrave In for all the entertainment and edification that we all gave each other. I want to THANK Steve Lindsay for being the great supporter of...

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