
  1. J

    GRS foot throttle hissing air even when not being used?

    hello all, i have a second hand graversmith, bought off a friend who said it was barely used and to be fair it looks in good nick. however after setting it up with a compressor (hyundai 24l oil free) i find the compressor re filling far to quickly, every 10 minutes or so, i can't seem to find...
  2. H

    difference between fake and real gravermax video link

    I thought this was interesting. from the people at Jewellery Institute
  3. B

    GraverMax Refurbish

    Purchased the engraving equipment from an estate recently. The executor said her Grandfather had a hobby room in the house and a workroom in a separate building. He had a GraverMax in each of them. Of the two microscopes the family only parted with one, a Meiji EMZ. It has the old stand but...
  4. M

    New to the Engraver's Cafe Graver Max!

    Hello, I am new to the Engraver's Café and this is my first post. I recently acquired an older GRS Graver Max in great condition and would like to sell it so that I can buy the New Graver AT. My question is how much could I ask for it? It includes a hand piece and all inner and outer hose...
  5. C

    Help, please: Help! Gravermax detailed product instruction

    Hi everyone, i am a beginner ,and get a engraving system called GRAVERMAX today, but lost the product instruction,now i dont know how to setup the system and how to use it,is there anyone want to send me the detail product instruction of GraverMax about how to setup and use them. my email...