help needed

  1. C

    Clarify tools to use!

    Hello all, I’m confused with all the types of tools to use and looking for recommendations. I’m a newbie and looking to purchase something to start projects. I would like to engrave glass, metal and carve wood on a small detailed scale as well as a larger one. Is a flexi shaft a lighter tool...
  2. P

    Question: Best beginner scope?

    Hi guys! I'm new to the cafe and I wanted to say hi and thank you for the opportunity to connect with all of you! I took basic engraving at GRS and I'm finally close to up and running with my own set up. In fact, I have everything except the comnection set-up for the 4610ac compressor (showing...
  3. J

    Help, please: Rank novice needs to engrave straight lines in half-hard sterling silver

    I'm working on a silver jewelry project, my first. Design is to place an I Ching hexagram (six parallel straight lines, stacked, ~1/16" or less in width) on a piece of 16 gauge half-hard sterling silver. I rapidly discovered that the stamps I had created will not make a deep enough...
  4. M

    Help, please: beginner: will pay for help in newark, de/ elkton, MD area. willing to travel

    Hello everyone, I'd like to start off by saying I admire all of your work and knowledge... needless to say I thought this looked a lot easier then it really is. I recently purchased a collection of engraving equipment from my boss, who's father was an engraver for the Franklin mint before he...
  5. I

    Help, please: Holiday Engravers Needed: Miami and El Paso

    Hi All, We're looking to hire an engraver to work December 20-23 at the Aventura Mall in Miami, Florida and the Cielo Vista Mall in El Paso, Texas. If anyone is interested in those areas, please let me know and I'd be happy to get you more information. Thanks, Jenna