As promised, puzzle coin project.

Jared Eason

Elite Cafe Member
Apr 12, 2013
As I promised when I showed my puzzle piece I cut . below is the post from Don Berry. The man that hosted this project.

As promised, here are the Pictures of the Puzzle Coin complete in all it's Beautiful Glory. Of course the carvers know why this coin was made, but they have done an amazing job of carving each Piece and Keeping the secret for 9 months.
We all have friends in this hobby, and we all share what we know and try to be there for each other when we can. Personally I say if I can, I will. When my Daughter was born last May, I said I can so I will. I purchased the 5oz. Silver Coin, Sent it off to be cut into a puzzle, and recruited 21 carvers to carve what every they wanted. I had no idea how this would turn out, and heck I could only pray that all the pieces would make it around the country and world and home safely. And as you all saw, they made it back One Piece at a Time. All the photos have been taken, and I am working on the listing, but this should go up on eBay in the next two weeks or so. I want to add a special thanks to my Friend Michael Kittle of Michael Kittle Rare Coins @ for all the amazing photography and taking the time to help me list this in his eBay Store.
So back to why I did this... We do have great friends in this Hobby, and sometimes we all need some help. So this coin and all of it's pieces will go up for auction and all proceeds will go to Andy Gonzales & Jolene Drewniak Gonzales medical fund. I hope all the carvers can share the heck out of this, and when it goes to Auction share the heck out of it some more and make the sale go as high as it can. I have heard that there may be an article written in BoTales about this fine piece. So if you are a carver of a piece, please take a second and send Caroline Cory Bastable a note on what the piece design was about. I appreciate all they help you all have done on this project, and I hope to have more fun & outside the box ideas in the future.


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Staff member
::::Pledge Member::::
Feb 11, 2007
washington, pa
omg ! sponge bob, a tree frog, somethin there for everyone ! this kind of stuff, to me, is what engraving is all about ! many thanks for showing this.

Jared Eason

Elite Cafe Member
Apr 12, 2013
Thanks guys. The treefrog is my carving for those who didn't know. It was a great honor to be a part of this project. Andy whom is the beneficiary of this project is one of the best coin carvers I have seen. He and his wife have gone through so much with their illness. I hope this project brings in a great sum to help with their financial situation. And I hope it brings them a little light and let's him know his fellow artists have his back.

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