Big piece of rock


~ Elite 1000 Member ~
Nov 17, 2006
Walter, absolutely wonderful. I am a big fan.:clapping::tiphat::bow:

Brian Trace

Dec 20, 2012
Blockley, Gloucestershire
Walter, thank you very much for sharing your wonderful skill and attention to detail. What a fantastic sculpture, it will last for centuries! As for transferable skills between stone carving and engraving disciplines, I am minded to comment on my own transition from french polishing, cabinet making, then lettering in wood and stone and finally engraving. Once I started on stone, I moved into simple sculpting before discovering engraving. A quick visit to see Sam doing an engraving demonstration at the London International Jewelery Show (IJS) in London a couple of years ago convinced me that engraving would be my next endeavour. But my question to Sam at the time was whether to not the genric pneumatic kit, whether it be GRS or Steve Lindsay, was capable of carving stone. Sam could not answer that for me at the time but did give me enormous encouragement to explore the art of the possible. I note that your pneumatic system is so much larger than the aforementioned pneumatic engraving systems but your large system employs the same principles. Like you, I use diamond wheels for mass stone removal, then chisel and hammer before finally finishing with rifflers, sand paper, and my GRS engraving system for fine detail. I have to be cautious with the dust, but it does provide a valuable addition to my carving tool set. I am now, of course, torn between big dirty stone work in the cold dank garage or engraving in my purpose built warm studio. Guess which one wins hands down? My only problem now is how to sneak the finances past the Officer Commanding Home Command, otherwise known as the wife, to support my engraving itch whilst still keeping my eye in with all the other time consuming hobbies.


:::Pledge Member:::
::::Pledge Member::::
Jan 31, 2007
Castle Valley, UT in the Red Rock country
"My only problem now is how to sneak the finances past the Officer Commanding Home Command, otherwise known as the wife, to support my engraving itch whilst still keeping my eye in with all the other time consuming hobbies."

Brian, when you get that all figured out write a book...we all need to know!!!

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