The images I saw of the knife you refer to had Bagwell's name inlaid in gold. Perhaps it was Prudhomme that did the inlay work and not fully engraved. I'm sure you are more an expert on the knife. I'm not. It is just a thought.
Hello and thanks for your input. I am not sure which knife you are referring too, but I doubt it is what I am looking for. You must have seen Bill's knives with his signature logo on the blade in gold-like lettering style on a Bowie or his Hell's Belle. If you read carefully my threads you'll see that it was engraved (guard I am sure) then a scrimshaw was added on the handle ( Helle's Bell that is ). Someone out there must have the knives I mentioned in my posts as I am convinced Bill did not do 25 such set in a presentation case. I would like to thank you again for sending a note. I am so please that over 500 people to date have viewed my post-that is very encouraging isn't it!
There is no doubts that Mr. E.C. Prudhomme did some engraving on Bagwell's knives in the early part of the 70's. I just need to locate these pieces! Have a wonderful Holiday Sir!
Good day Mr. SamW: I have adjusted the time, now it is correct. I just followed your instructions and there they were right in the system-Thank you-Have a nice Holiday-Dominique
Howdy: I just spoke to Bagwell- he confirmed that Mr. Prudhomme engraved 12/15 knives ( guards and butt caps) on the model called Hell's these knives are out there although not in large number they were engraved by this extremely talented craftsman.
Sam Welch mentioned in his first post on this thread that I may have the information you seek. Though I have lots of information on E. C. Prudhomme, I don't have any information regarding the knives in question.
My name is James Richard, personal friend of Bill Bagwell for over 40 years. I have seen and handled many of the knives that you describe in your post. I have in my possession, the original Bowie knife fabricated by Bagwell and engraved by Mr. EC Prudhomme. I also have 3 other knives, one of Damascus steel also fabricated by Bagwell. The last 3 knives do not have any engraving. Bill Bagwell is a very reclusive type individual that is not fond of fanfare. Though, he is a walking encyclopedia on the construction and use of the original Bowie knife. He fabricated a knife for the Shah of Iran and one Best of Show in Paris with one of his Damascus steel knives. The reason he won in Paris, the Damascus steel he produced was similar to Charlemagne's Sword. He continues to make knives even today but like some of us has slowed down. I do not know his address or phone number, only that he lives in an extremely wooded area with his wife and dog in East Texas the last I heard. If you would like a photo of the knife, please look at my bio and retrieve the email address. If you write a book about him it would be a classic best seller in the world of knives.
I would like to thank you for your reply that lightened my night! I have been unsuccessful in retrieving your email address from your bio. Since I am new at this kind of forums as I mentioned in my first post, my education has been lacking in some respects and I am not sure how to "navigate" properly this web site? You probably have read that I have written nine article on Bill and my dream is to have this book done as I've been working hard for the past 2-1/2 years to put it together. Please contact me by sending a private message as to get in touch with you Sir. I knew I was correct when I mentioned that the great Mr. E .C. Prudhomme had engraved several of Bill's knives decades ago. Would you be kind to get back at me Sir as I would be delighted and honored to be able to photograph all your Bagwell's as an inclusion in my work. I came across of your wonderful reply in the middle of the night and was so happy to read your post. I have been collecting Bagwell's since 1981 but had to sell them all during a divorce back in 1987! These knives meant everything to me and it broke my heart to had to do such action, but I had no choice. If this book were to see the lights it will be "Shock and Awe." It totally escapes me to this day why no one has ever wanted to write a book on Bill. Yes, Bill is a very unique individual and as many have said before: You like him or you hate him! Looking forward to hear from you Mr. Richards. Very best wishes and kind regards-Dominique
Hello again Mr. Richard: I thought that you may like to read the following about Bill Bagwell and hopefully other people on this site will like this post as well:
Mention who's America's best-noted bladesmith hand forging true replica of authentic 1800's Bowie knives from the fur trade era and Bowies in general , the only name that come to mind will be Bill Bagwell. He has no peers as a Bowie knifemaker. Bill is known around the world for his widely acclaimed column "Battle Blades" in Soldier of Fortune Magazine ( back in the 80's) and he has been a serious buckskinner for decades. An avid hunter for most of his life, Bill knows the outdoors and swears by the venerable custom-made muzzleloader for the "true" mountain man. His reputation as a scholar of buckskinning began during his studies at Louisiana Tech and Nothwestern College in Natchitoches, Louisiana where he majored in English Literature and History. Later on he began his own decades-long research on 19th century American mountain men, and it is these studies that attracted him to buckskinning and to set out to make the mountain man's favorite tool : The Bowie knife. You may be interested to know that Bill made his very first Bowie-type knife while attending North Caddo High School in Vivian, La., at the tender age of 14 under the direction of James Creighton ( deceased) when taking Art & Handicraft classes. Bill's very first knife is now part of the largest collection of Bagwell's ever assembled by a single owner collector in the world living in France. Bill ever wrote a letter to such collector on June 24, 1993 as a proof that he is the owner of his very first knife with iron-clad proofs. When we come to Bowie knives, and Bowie knifemakers, he is simply the best, both by design, effectiveness, workmanship and many characteristics unseen in his Bowie. Any of Bill's Bowie knife feels like it's "floating" in the air, they cut like a "breeze," this due in part to physics, blade's geometry as only Bagwell can do.
I never believed that steel was any more than a piece of metal with no mystique, no soul or spirit. But steel is not just steel; it is a multi-faceted world of shades, possibilities, potential-because it breathes! I couldn't have been more wrong or surprised until I held for the first time two of Bagwell's Hell's Belle decades ago; for I felt a "bond" from the first time I laid eyes on these incredible knives ( I am aware that the original owner has since sold both knives). Not all can "feel" this, a rare few will be "touched" by their blades, and only those rare few warriors will "know" the spirit of the steel. The men who carried a Bagwell had more than a blade on their belts; they had a status symbol in their sheaths. To possess one will immediately ranks you among the elite of the true connoisseurs. Owning a Bowie of Bill Bagwell is a pleasure rare enough for the few privileges who can afford one. Not only is Bagwell extremely talented and experienced in the crafting of combat cutlery; he is also more likely to understand the mindset of the people who buy and use such blades. Designed and made to be used, his philosophy was stated decades ago when he vowed," Everyone who orders a combat knife from me may not have to use it in a life and death situation, but should that occasion arise, my blade will not fail." His first choice is to provide fine weaponry to a select group of men who know and appreciate the worth of such knife. As of today, that thought is foremost in his mind when he makes a Bagwell Bowie knife! Since Bill Bagwell fashioned his very first Bowie knife, more than 60 years back in 1958, his knives have long ago gained recognition as a superlative example of the craft. The finsihed knife, a hand crafted Bagwell knife, is more than just some sportsman's or soldier's dream, much more. It's a work of art, the product of a "philosophy of quality," and a source of pride for Bill Bagwell but also for its new owner..... now part and parcel of the legacy of the "Classic Blades" "Hand forged Knives," by Master Knifesmith Bill Bagwell, "The Blacksmith From Hell."
Dear Mr. SamW: It looks like my persistence has finally pay off after all! I am thrilled to death for the result.... now just waiting to see the photographs from Mr. James Richard.
OK- I figure out how to do ( I hope so). The thing is I only see the pictures when I click on My Profile and attachments-would anyone else be able to see these photographs now?
I got the feeling I did something wrong since I've noticed that when someone post pictures I can see a camera symbol next to the post! I do not see such right now.....