Jan Hendrik
Elite Cafe Member
Much better
You have one problem area on the back part.........the big gap at the top of the scroll where there are two scrolls coming off from it. (The gap between the border and the top of the scroll.
That could be remedied by bringing that scroll all the way up to the border line.
I am curious about one thing........why have the spider upside down?
Hi, Andrew!
Thanks for the tip on the gap with the scrolls. I am still drawing different scroll configurations every chance I get. I need to do the best possible work I can as this will be the centrepiece for my table at the Brooklyn Knife Show 2-3 December. I know my drawing skills are rusty because I have very little free time to practise drawing my scrolls.
The spider is upside down because in nature these spiders spin their webs vertically or diagonally. They hang vertically or upside down from their webs because these spiders are big and heavy. Some growing as big as your hand with outstretched fingers! Go have a look here to see the size of these Arachnids http://www.pbase.com/aatbender/image/139573877