Elite Cafe Member
Hello all, Hope everyone had a great Holiday Season , Im still new to the Metal Engraving world but making a lot of progress. I have a 2 day beginners course scheduled with J J Roberts in VA , one on one . It should be great. Looking forward to it. Any way the main reason for this post is the field of view obtained while using a Microscope. I have a Maiji EMZ 5TR on the Acrobat Stand from GRS ,I love it with the only beef being the field of view , It has a 140-150 MM or 6 inch Working distance stock out of the box, With that I can usually see around (4 or 5 )1/4 inch high lower case script letters I would be working on,I wanted more, It was frustrating having to move the vise around all the time while practicing, It also felt in a way CLAUSTROPHOBIC . Like a horse with blinders on, I did some research and easily found the auxiliary lenses for the bottom of the microscope that you just screw on to the bottom without removing a thing. Sorta like a pair of glasses, Instantly I had 252 MM or 10 inches of working Distance. Triple the original, I can literally see the entire vise , clear as a bell . It cost $127.00 and sells at GRS and other places, If interested its part/ order # MA530 0.3X Auxiliary Lens. I know alot of you just use a visor for this exact reason, Believe me I tried it. My eyes are starting to go and I just couldn't see with the detail that I got from the scope, It's a bit pricey but not horribly so . Its a game changer for my, By the way the pictures are camera shots of my microscope camera screen and what you see with the ruler in place for scale is maybe 2/3 's of what I actually see thru the scope. Hope this helped someone.