Brings to mind CS Forester's Hornblower books about the same time period and Britain's naval fight with France and Spain(Napoleon) . The battles between ships as he described them were much as you depict Lee. Looking forward to more photos!!
Stunning work brother! But I have to ask how did you create the effects of the fire? is it inlayed Gold or another method.
Thanks for your time and for sharing.
Sam- The original thought was to use the USS Constitution and her battle with the Guerierre but the client wanted some battle elements that didn't fit so it has become a generic from the period. Old Ironsides may yet get the other side.
This is the carving on the fore end wood. The one side is pretty much finished except oil and sealer. The other side has only the initial rough-in done.
This is just killing me seeing all this opulence. I'm not going to make it to FEGA this year unless some unforeseen miracle happens and I can see already I'm gonna miss a lot of eye candy. Not to mention all my friends. Great work Lee!