Garage News: Day Five Gratitude


~ Elite 1000 Member ~
Nov 17, 2006
Well what is the old hairy guy going to say today? I will start by saying my intent was to have a week of gratitude posts- seven days- but like every good procrastinator I started one day late so it will be six days and now it is day five.
It's time to zero in on the most important things. Today will be family. This is the most difficult post so far. Not because it's hard to think of reasons to be grateful but just the opposite. The difficulty is deciding what to share and still be respectful of the privacy about whom I write. Therefore much will be left unsaid.
I begin with my wonderful wife of 39 years. It's remarkable that she has endured me for that long. Truly a feat to behold. I married a youthful, vivacious, beautiful girl full of dreams and ideas that the struggling farm often could not provide. This young lady is now a mature woman full of wisdom, love, selflessness and everlasting beauty. As the years pass by she continues to thrill my heart. What a lucky man I am. Certainly the best sales job I ever did. In spite of battling lupus and accompanying autoimmune diseases for 22 years, she soldiers on and is my hero, my eternal companion.
Our family has been assembled through somewhat nontraditional means. It could be described as two we made, two we bought, and one we found. Each has come with their own special package of talents, abilities, personalities, challenges, disabilities, and trials. These include in part; stage four brain cancer-glioblastoma-, severe abuse, back and hip problems, PTSD so severe debilitating seizure have been the result, and autism. I have witnessed courage, perseverance, determination, and just plain guts- I think that is a useable technical term. My what an inspiration and example they have been to me and how grateful and blessed I am to share a life with them.
Along the way there have been many disappointments, discouragement, and frustration yet like their mother they soldier on and win.
In the words of my favorite philosopher Buzz Lightyear "to infinity and beyond".


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~ Elite 1000 Member ~
Nov 10, 2006
Eden, NC
Lovely family, you are truly blessed. Like you, my bride of 54 years has been my helpmate, friend and wonderful lover as well as a wise counselor. She says she isn’t “Susie Nurse” but has nursed me through almost a year of trying physical troubles and therapy, now looking forward to my fifth knee surgery with two more on the horizon. I would be lost without her.