Good to hear from you and to get the update, Lee. We think of you and your family often and Abby and I are looking forward to more good reports. Hugs to you all.
I am so sorry to hear of the diagnosis but very happy to hear that he is doing well. We never expect these things to happen to the ones we love.
Our thoughts and prayers are with you and rest of your family. Don't ever hesitate to call if needed.
Lee, it seems like life has thrown a lot of rocks at you but you seem to bounce back.
My thoughts and prayers are with you and the family my friend.
lee: i'm not sure when this was posted. probably several days ago. i hope by now your son is well on his way to a good recovery. may the lord bless and keep you and your family.
I do not know you in person. However I feel for your situation. May your son recover fully and God give you and your family strength in this time of hardship.
Lee, my prayers are with you and your family. I, too, have lost family to cancer, as have some of the respondents here, but you and I know God has everything in His hands. I guarantee prayers work, as there is ample evidence everywhere. He hears our sincere petitions and intercession on your behalf.
If I may be so bold; I've seen positive results from an old Native American cancer treatment called ESSIAC. I encourage you, and anyone else with cancer, to research it. Some people dismiss its effectiveness because it is an herb, not mainstream pharmacy, but it works. I take it daily for cancer prevention as cancer runs in my family. Unfortunately, I didn't know about it to save my mother.
Again, my prayers are for full recovery for your son and for yours and your family's return to normal life.