Elite Cafe Member
Classes went GREAT!! .......... I did 2 days and payed for a week so I can go back for further classes. The first day we went over and fixed and tuned my equipment. There was a few things that had to be fixed. I have both the Lindsay palm control and the Gravermax with several hand pieces. I also have a bunch of different gravers and just about all of them were not sharpened correctly. Sooooo ...... We spent a fair amount of time doing and learning how to sharpen and actually make gravers out of drill bits etc. I was also very impressed with the scuba tank and portable air source setup. It was funny ......... I looked at one of my fishing forums and I bought 3 large filled scuba tanks for $100 and since then I got 2 air gun canisters so I can be portable ........ Still working on some of the hookups though.
JJ did his best to teach me how to engrave properly but I learned that all I can do so far is to scratch metal. I know that I'm challenged when it comes to doing stuff by hand. I tell every one at work that I will design and implement any communication system they want but never put a screwdriver in my hand.
There are a bunch of other things I learned and many many bad habits and equipment tweaks that would have started me in the wrong direction and made it more difficult to learn correctly if JJ hadn't been there to instruct me.
I HIGHLY Recommend taking classes with JJ. He is really talented and I'm looking forward to learning more once I feel my scratches look closer to an engravers stroke.
Big thanks to JJ !!!!!!!
Thanks for the update! Knowing how to sharpen those gravers REALLY makes a difference. There's no doubt you have amassed a pretty impressive tool collection in the past year, I'm glad it's still on the radar for you to be putting them to good use!