Hand engraved Ebola Virus on a Titanium pendant. Anyone interested?

Neo Dutch

Elite Cafe Member
Nov 9, 2006
Wow, see what happened there. Most people were appreciative of it, until someone dissented, then everyone piled on. That's how social meeja works.


Elite Cafe Member
May 4, 2014
Carson City, NV
Well, I for one personally don't see what's so bad about the pendant. I think it would probably fly off the shelf if mass produced.

The stuffed plushies in the Ebola are sold out! What does that tell us?

This is the site:

This is the Ebola plush toy:

Here's an interesting article;


We make engravings and even coins of automobiles yet they kill tens of thousands!
As the aforementioned article states the flu kills between 3,000 to 50,000 in a our country alone, so imagine the yearly death rate around the world.
48,000 people died from PRESCRIPTION pain killers in 2010 in our country. (CDC Stats)

This pendant has been called out as being in bad taste, yet we engrave guns commemorating wars in which millions died!

Yes, Ebola is not funny and is bad and I feel horrible for those who have it or have died from it.

Let's remember sensationalized news always sells and the more scared they get people the more it sells.

Arnaud Van Tilburgh

~ Elite 1000 Member ~
Oct 3, 2008
Here is the digital version of the newspaper http://www.gva.be/cnt/dmf20141016_01324488
of course it is in Dutch
here some photos that come with the article


Arnaud Van Tilburgh

~ Elite 1000 Member ~
Oct 3, 2008
I have to agree with Crazy Horse I'm afraid.

However, what really annoys me is the swastika thing. The Nazis hijacked this very ancient symbol which is representative of eternity and it is now looked down on due to a particular political group when in fact it's real meaning is something quite different and wonderful.

Marcus, I have noting to do with the swastika thing nor the nazis !


Arnaud Van Tilburgh

~ Elite 1000 Member ~
Oct 3, 2008
Well, I for one personally don't see what's so bad about the pendant. I think it would probably fly off the shelf if mass produced.

The stuffed plushies in the Ebola are sold out! What does that tell us?

This is the site:

This is the Ebola plush toy:

Here's an interesting article;


We make engravings and even coins of automobiles yet they kill tens of thousands!
As the aforementioned article states the flu kills between 3,000 to 50,000 in a our country alone, so imagine the yearly death rate around the world.
48,000 people died from PRESCRIPTION pain killers in 2010 in our country. (CDC Stats)

This pendant has been called out as being in bad taste, yet we engrave guns commemorating wars in which millions died!

Yes, Ebola is not funny and is bad and I feel horrible for those who have it or have died from it.

Let's remember sensationalized news always sells and the more scared they get people the more it sells.

thanks BKJ, I totaly agree and could not have said it a better way.


Crazy Horse

Elite Cafe Member
Nov 9, 2006
I really don't think people were piling on. Most everyone on here is respectful of each other's work. I initiated the dissent. I believe others came to the realization that marketing for profit on the back of something as horrible as the deadly Ebola virus is simply unethical. Fever, chronic diarrhea, vomiting and various other symptoms are nothing to joke about. Death, if you've ever had the misfortune of observing it up close and personal, is not a laughing matter. The eyes grey, the body voids and the epidermis becomes moist and attracts flies. Lots of flies. I can't imagine what it's like to watch your family, young and old wither away in front of your eyes in just a matter of days; all the while knowing you're next.

Why not a pendant of an aborted fetus? How about one with the image of a cancerous lung? One could make one with a cancerous colon. That would be a real sales item. Someone could make plastic casts to sell. Maybe even a tutorial.... Somewhere along the line ethical decency has to emerge.

Better to get down on one's knees and pray to God Ebola doesn't enter your door.


Chief Administrator & Benevolent Dictator
Staff member
Nov 6, 2006
Covington, Louisiana
A friend of mine also is developing Parkinson's and tells me the worst and most horrible Parkinson's jokes I've ever heard.

Erma Bombeck said “There is a thin line that separates laughter and pain, comedy and tragedy, humor and hurt.”


Elite Cafe Member
Mar 24, 2009
I have a friend also ( Alex Flynn if you Google him).
He's actually doing a lot of worldwide work raising funds & awareness for Parkinson's including having trekked across the USA...abit of humour never hurt anyone.
I'm half deaf myself, so I've had plenty of stick for that, though it can be a blessing in disguise in some situations ;)
Last edited:

golden forge

Elite Cafe Member
Jan 21, 2013
Northern California
Man, what ever happened to "judge not lest thee be judged"?
My father passed away after years of dealing with Parkinson's, he never lost his sense of humor, it's how he coped with what was happening to himself.
All people cope with stressful, dangerous, fearful, or life threatening situations differently. For many making light of a situation is there way, it does not make them wrong, or make them a bad person just because they may not feel or react the same as someone els.
As someone once said, "Don't take life too seriously, you'll never make it out alive"

Arnaud Van Tilburgh

~ Elite 1000 Member ~
Oct 3, 2008
The band I play in is called the Blind, the Deaf and the Welshman.
I'm quite deaf without my hearing aid and the Blind one is a tattooist, sure he see clear when he has his eyeglasses. The Welsh one speaks for itself.
But it happens that I'm the Blind, and we switch. Always worth a laugh even when we are on stage.

So this whole tread I started, if you look on top of my first post, it shows :justkidding:

Now it is getting hilarious, First I'm having a full page in the newspaper, now I'm in the news on TV.


arnaud (the deaf)


:::Pledge Member:::
::::Pledge Member::::
Oct 15, 2007
Grand Forks, ND
A friend of mine also is developing Parkinson's and tells me the worst and most horrible Parkinson's jokes I've ever heard.

Erma Bombeck said “There is a thin line that separates laughter and pain, comedy and tragedy, humor and hurt.”

The Grass IS Always Greener over the Septic Tank! :) (Good ole Erma! My mom loved her books and articles)
I guess this all can be summed up with: "When life gives you lemons... make lemonaid"! Many of the engravers here have faced all sorts of health problems that would stop most people dead in their tracks. But, some people will pick themselves up and work with what they have... and make the best of it.


Elite Cafe Member
May 4, 2014
Carson City, NV
I really don't think people were piling on. Most everyone on here is respectful of each other's work. I initiated the dissent. I believe others came to the realization that marketing for profit on the back of something as horrible as the deadly Ebola virus is simply unethical. Fever, chronic diarrhea, vomiting and various other symptoms are nothing to joke about. Death, if you've ever had the misfortune of observing it up close and personal, is not a laughing matter. The eyes grey, the body voids and the epidermis becomes moist and attracts flies. Lots of flies. I can't imagine what it's like to watch your family, young and old wither away in front of your eyes in just a matter of days; all the while knowing you're next.

Why not a pendant of an aborted fetus? How about one with the image of a cancerous lung? One could make one with a cancerous colon. That would be a real sales item. Someone could make plastic casts to sell. Maybe even a tutorial.... Somewhere along the line ethical decency has to emerge.

Better to get down on one's knees and pray to God Ebola doesn't enter your door.

I find it interesting that people will joyfully wear a crucifix around their neck. An instrument of torture and death, one of the worst ways to die and still being used for execution by ISIS. Broken limbs, tied to the cross or nailed, left to die in the sun and cold nights all the while being taunted by people.

Yet making and selling crucifixes is a very lucrative business. Look at all the jewelry that is made for people, look at all the crucifixes in churches just to name a few places one would find them.

Somehow, that is ok with people as they have come to just view a crucifix as artwork over the centuries and regardless of what it may or may not mean to people, it ultimately is and always will be a very evil instrument of torture and death.

We sell millions of plastic airplane models of Lancasters and B17s which fire bombed Dresden in WWII resulting in 25,000 civilian deaths. These people died from asphyxiation as well as being burned alive, yet we sell millions of these model kits.

Gun collectors collect Nazi marked weapons which are actually priced higher yet that regime was one of the most evil this world has known and people aren't called out for that. Perhaps their very gun was used to kill innocent people.

There are double standards everywhere we look in this world. Does that make it right or wrong... who knows?

Arnaud Van Tilburgh

~ Elite 1000 Member ~
Oct 3, 2008
me on TV news :biggrin: :biggrin: :biggrin:




~ Elite 1000 Member ~
Apr 10, 2007
Rockville, MD
There is a lot of satire in all this and I think BKJ raises a lot of interesting and actually profound comments on this subject. There is an element of absurdity in all this. Human beings I must say have a lot of strange forms of behavior. I wonder how we look to other species that inhabit this earth.