Hi Everybody

Newton Pens

Elite Cafe Member
Sep 2, 2013
I hope this is in the right spot.

My name is Shawn Newton and I make fountain pens.

I've only been doing that for about 1 1/2 years; before that I was a print maker. I still carve a block every now and then, but mostly just at school - oh yeah I'm a high school art teacher, too.

So recently I wanted to take my printmaking and roll it onto a pen.

I'm using your standard relief engraver's burins I bought from McClain's art supply. Probably not the best tools but they're what I have. I'm open to suggestions. :)

I've been looking around the forum for the last couple of weeks checking out the amazing work and getting inspiration for the next projects.


Staff member
::::Pledge Member::::
Feb 11, 2007
washington, pa
great looking stuff you've got there. did you turn the pens on a mini lathe, or create them some other way ? btw- welcome to the forum. looks as though the burins are well suited for the work you do. thanks for showing your work. after looking at this a bit more carefully, reminds me of one of my favorite artists in oil, hieronymus bosch. i was able to view several of his paintings in the national gallery.
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Newton Pens

Elite Cafe Member
Sep 2, 2013
The orange is just a piece of rod - to practice with the engraving. It was the first one I tried. Both of the pens were turned on a monster metal lathe, a Grizzly 4003G.

It's huge, yes, but it's EXACTLY what I need. It's got all the options. I was using a wood lathe for about a year and 4 months, but got a loan from a wonderful person to buy the metal lathe. Now I can do double, triple, and quad lead threading, GOOD threads rather than the rough tap and die mess I was putting out, and am able to make more consistent work overall. I love this thing. :D

Roger B

Elite Cafe Member
Mar 17, 2008
Adelaide, South Australia
Hi Shawn,

Saw some of your work on FPC. Whilst I prefer the pens from pre 1950 I will always admire someone who can create pieces from very little - well done and looking forward to seeing some more.

Roger (Scratch)

Newton Pens

Elite Cafe Member
Sep 2, 2013
Thanks everybody!

I do hope to learn here - I've already spent hours in front of youtube watching engraving and transfer videos and tutorials. A lot of it won't be too applicable to what I'm doing - at least not right now. :)
I'd really like to get some sort of power graver set up. That would be so wicked. =)