How to engrave a spin ring


~ Elite 1000 Member ~
Jun 19, 2007
Kansas City, MO
Thanks to a suggestion from Ddbltrbl elsewhere I was finally able to engrave a spin ring I've had laying around.

Spin rings are also known as split rings, twister rings, and double rings. GRS sells them as "Stainless Steel Twister Double Ring" (#024-059-58 & -60).

They're literally a double ring with the one on the outside free to spin around the one on your finger.

The problem is, how do you engrave that freely spinning ring?

I mentioned this problem over on the Lindsay forum and Ddbltrbl suggested trying super glue.

I picked up some Gorilla Glue Super Glue that says it has rubber in it to increase impact resistance.

I set the ring on some baking parchment left over from a transfer so I wouldn't glue it to anything and put a few drops along the joint on the side that was up. Then a couple more, just to be safe. Then I flipped it over and basically ran a bead of glue along the joint. I let it sit for a couple of days to make sure it was set up well (I was busy with other things anyway).

Last night I gave it a try.

Worked great! :yes:

Not only was that normally freely spinning ring locked down like it was soldered on, the film of glue on the surface even dulled the shine and gave me something to mark on.

Finished engraving and dropped it in some acetone to melt off the super glue.

Took it out - glue was all gone and the surface was nice and shiny! :)

Ring wouldn't turn. :(

Put it back in for a while, checked, tapped on it, brushed at it, etc.

Still no turn.

Let it soak overnight. Now it spins! :banana:

Still must have a tiny bit undissolved in there because there's a rough spot or two when it spins but if my obsessive-compulsvie fiddling with it doesn't grind that out I'll just drop it back in and soak it some more.

Thanks Ddbltrbl! Now I can pick up some more of these at the Gem & Mineral show next weekend.

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