The last batches I made up I used 1/16" X 2 inch length Cobalt drills from MCS. These have 3/4 inches of flutes which I install into the square brass tubing. On this batch I cleaned the inside of the brass with acetone to remove any oil from the brass and the drills and pushed the drill flutes clear through the brass, exposing them.
I coated the flutes with JB Weld for steel and retracted the flutes and goo back into the brass.
Getting old and lazy I guess and the JB Weld is quicker and easier than soldering.
My friends and I have not found a problem with the JB Weld. At least, no complaints so far.
Still a pretty nice little graver for under $2.00.
John B.
I have several of John's recent batch and they're excellent gravers!