"damascening - the size is small look at the pencil lead , you may see the marks around the horse & rings that is the hatching burnished away , this is a crude test demo piece for testing"

"dividers a close up view using a loupe over the iPad lens as Sam advised, we can all learn a bit of useful tips from one another , even old dogs like me .
You can see how wires laid out and tapped down creat interesting patterns .I used .006" wire"

"here is a bone handled knife I etched in the same method as I do on steel ,drawing with resist with a pen ,when dry I use a cotton bud dipped into silver nitrate that I make by dissolving silver in nitric acid . Day light causes it to turn black or dark brown according how strong a mix , I have done it on ivory on rifles but have mislaid the photos . It would be good on guitars !"

"Showing how a thin sheet of gold can be damascened over an engraved design . This is just a demo not a finished piece 2000inch thick gold ,a hairs width or can be a bit thinner"

"Winston Churchill#I cut the die for this by hand 1966 , it was cut in reverse as done before pantograph machines , very deep"

" I put my friends name on it for he was the maker Battle of Britain 1940"