Marius Mellebye - EngraverHand Designs and Artwork


Elite Cafe Member
Oct 20, 2008
Sitges, Barcelona
Awesome! How quick a sketch is it, looks pretty complicated?
I didn´t take the time but maybe 30 - 40 minutes.. at least less than an hour :) But the program has the symmetric function so I only have to draw each element one time.. I have not been drawing all of them.. the more tricky part is to make it flow and fit nicely to each other. I have been using everyting from 4 to 16 symmetrical "copies" :)

Here is a screenshot of the program with 16 copies.. and I was drawing the leaf only one time.. :) So it often looks more impressive than it actually is :)



~ Elite 1000 Member ~
Apr 10, 2007
Rockville, MD
I didn´t take the time but maybe 30 - 40 minutes.. at least less than an hour :) But the program has the symmetric function so I only have to draw each element one time.. I have not been drawing all of them.. the more tricky part is to make it flow and fit nicely to each other. I have been using everyting from 4 to 16 symmetrical "copies" :)

Here is a screenshot of the program with 16 copies.. and I was drawing the leaf only one time.. :) So it often looks more impressive than it actually is :)

View attachment 53127
Whatever it takes to get the job done! Great work!


Elite Cafe Member
Oct 20, 2008
Sitges, Barcelona
The Universal 116 graver is the only graver I use for all my gun engraving with 50 degree face. J.J.
Same with me :) Now I dont engrave much or actually any firearms, but the 116 with either 45 or around 55 is what I use for mostly everything.. :) Obviously flat and a few others, but for outline and shading, 116 it is :)


Elite Cafe Member
Oct 20, 2008
Sitges, Barcelona
Marius, After seeing your fine designs and engraving you should have no problem diamond setting. J.J.
I´m trying.. trying and failing, and trying more and get first hand experience. :) I have taken a good online class for castle setting, but I was probably challenging myself and the technique.. but the good ting I´m learning even more and having great fun! I will finish it somehow and know what not to do next time..

Also this ring is really hard and gummy stainless steel. so I´m not making it easy for myself.

For now it´s only for learning, but I have some plans for it in the future. Thank you for the trust :)


Elite Cafe Member
Oct 20, 2008
Sitges, Barcelona
Hello Marius,

I absolutely adore the drawings you post. Technical question: Are they done with AD at iPad, or at Mac? I’m looking for a replacement for Linearity Curve at my iPad, since they jacked up the prices.


Thank you very much @rweigel :) Some are done with Affinity Designer, some in Affinity Photo on iPad and some with Procreate on iPad.

I mostly use AD for vector work, and hand drawing in AP and Procreate with the Apple Pencil on the iPad. I do have AD and AP on my Mac too.. with some big design jobs it´s just easier to do some actions on the computer with a bigger screen.. but I really do love the iPad :) AP is also a great app for editing colors and such for photos. Both the Affinity suite and Procreate is totally. worth it.. at least for me :) Hope that answered your question..