Recnt Practice Plate


Chief Administrator & Benevolent Dictator
Staff member
Nov 6, 2006
Covington, Louisiana
The cuts are clean, bright, and well done, David. Perhaps a vertical script would be more balanced in this oval shape, or maybe if this one was scaled down a bit. My eye is drawn to the empty space lower right. Did you use a computer for layout?


Elite Cafe Member
Nov 8, 2006
Orlando, Florida
Thanks Sam
I did lay out the letters on a computer but not the oval. Do you have a verticle script in mind? I was thinking larger on the letters to fill the space better but now that you mention it smaller would be a better look.


~ Elite 1000 Member ~
Nov 14, 2006
in the land of Scrolls,
The letters like nice and flowing but I think the D needs to be bigger, it looks small in comparison to the K. It may literally be the same height if you drew them out with a straight edge, but in the spacing it looks to small. As Sam said, the empty space inthe lower right needs filled, you could go back and add some more rolling flourishes in the space. For things to be evenly balanced it would be better if there was an equal amount of flourshes on the K side as well. How about doing another one with these thoughts in mind.


Chief Administrator & Benevolent Dictator
Staff member
Nov 6, 2006
Covington, Louisiana
The computer can really help with lettering layout, but in a situation like this the ability to draw letters and/or add flourishes per Scott's suggestion is extremely valuable. I wish there was a foolproof font that worked in every situation, but unfortunately there isn't one to my knowledge. Your cutting is good, David. A bit of practice with a pencil and lettering book will be fun and have a great payoff.


Elite Cafe Member
Nov 10, 2006
I think the reason that the 'D' appears small and there is a void to the lower right is because of the nature of the letter 'D' itself. The beauty stem of the 'K' flows back and below the base line useing up some space there, and the lower leg of the 'G' also flows back and, of course way below the base line. The 'D' has no such element to counter balance. One thought, perhaps if, rather than joining the tail of the 'G' to the 'D', if you had the tail of the 'G' go under the 'D' with a small loop (or dip or wave) of some sort it might have balanced off the right side and lessened the void?. I dunno, would have to draw it out and see. I guess what I'm saying is further to Scott suggestion about adding some elements, I think it would be easier to add them to the tail of the 'G' rather than trying to work them into the 'D'.

Andrew Biggs

Nov 10, 2006
Christchurch, New Zealand
Hi David

Beautiful cutting. Well done.

Good advise about the layout. Good lettering layout is a skill all in itself but by the looks of it you'll get the hang of it pretty quickly.

The nature of script is that it is generally italasised that's why it's almost impossible to get a decent upright one for computers. What you could maybe try in the future is printing it out and adding to it with a few additions and alterations.
GRS sell a really cool book called "Crocker Novelty Monogram System Standard of the World" for about $13. It is well worth having. Also the book "Jewellery engravers manual" is a good one for lettering. Or any of the "Speedbal" books.

Well done keep it up and keep posting.
