Snakes on a plate

Marcus Hunt

~ Elite 1000 Member ~
Nov 9, 2006
The Oxfordshire Cotswolds, England
As I say Sam, I could be totally wrong. Mistakes can be made though, especially if the components aren't assembled. I remember my father damascening a gold logo onto a mag plate 'upside down'! I've engraved the wrong top lever with the wrong scroll due to being over tired and running 2 jobs simultaneously. I hope you're right and it is a perspective thing.


:::Pledge Member:::
::::Pledge Member::::
Jan 31, 2007
Castle Valley, UT in the Red Rock country
On further reflection I seem to remember the hole in the end of the floorplate is where it locks just ahead of the triggerguard on that rifle so Marcus you are likely correct in your comment. Maybe it has something to do with the Southern Hemisphere being "upside-down". I think Andrew mentioned somewhere on one of the forums that this was a "practice plate" item so maybe no real harm done but a good lesson for all to pay attention to such things. Regards, S.

Doc Mark

~ Elite 1000 Member ~
Nov 16, 2006
Hampton, Virginia

Love the design and execution! It flows, it has style, and it's uniquely yours! I really like the fact that you fought any impulse to put scales on the snakes! It would have made plenty of sense, but the impact of the design would have been compromised. As it is, using the snakes as a "backbone" works very well, and the leaf elements originating within the curled "rattle" is great!

Keep sending us photos of your works.


M A Smith

Dec 1, 2006
Andrew Biggs,

Excellent design. Excellent Execution. It is easy for us to see a German piece and know that it is German; its easy to see an Italian piece and know that it is Italian; when I see your piece I will always think New Zealand has their style. Beautiful, beautiful piece.

M A Smith

Andrew Biggs

Nov 10, 2006
Christchurch, New Zealand
Hi Marcus and Sam.

Busted!!!!!!!!!! Yip, the plate is upside down. By the time I found out what had happened all the main cuts were done and the background started to be removed.

After I finished bursting into tears and raging at the Gods, I had 3 choices. Try and file it back which would have been a complete disaster as my filing skills are non existent. Throw it in the rubbish tin and start again, which would have been a waste of a good floor plate. The last was obviously to carry on, which I did.

The good side is that it is a practice plate even though it’s a real gun part. The even better side is that it’s a good lesson well learnt. It was going to happen sooner or later I guess and it’s the sort of lesson that’s better learnt on a practice plate than a paying piece.

I would like to think that it’ll never happen again but for some funny reason that old expression comes to mind………..â€Famous last words†(sigh!!!!!)

Thanks again for all your kind words and critique. They’re really appreciated.



Chief Administrator & Benevolent Dictator
Staff member
Nov 6, 2006
Covington, Louisiana
This reminds me of a lettering job I did on a large rodeo buckle about 25 years ago. The buckle had two raised silver ribbons and a cowboy on a horse in the center. I lettered the ribbons with the guy's name and FIRST PLACE BLAH BLAH and was sitting back admiring my lettering job when I realized the cowboy was upside down. Fortunately the ribbons were raised and could be filed and polished...and engraved again.


JJ Roberts

:::Pledge Member:::
::::Pledge Member::::
Nov 10, 2006
Manassas, VA
Andrew...I engraved an eagle on a oval patch box unside down. The customer had the patch box cover removed..I didn't know the patch box opened big deal. He purchased a new one and I did it
over. He had the old one made into a belt buckle. When getting a engraving commission it is good to get the
complete gun, for instance bolt action rifle..if you are going to engrave..barrel and action you want to establish the stock line. Many things have to be taken into consideration when engraving guns...don't feel bad we all have run into our share of problems. Keep up the good work.

Yours truly,
JJ Roberts
School of Artistic Engraving
Manassas, VA


~ Elite 1000 Member ~
Nov 9, 2006
Doylestown, PA
Andrew, I run into position problems all the time with Harley parts. I finally got a couple of Harley catalogs so I can have a visual as to which cover is where on what side of the bike. Usually when I get a part from a client I ask for pictures of the bike with the part on it and mark it with a sharpie (up, down, front, etc.) as soon as it comes back from the chromer. Bikers are not very happy if the flames are not flowing from the front of the bike to the back when they ride. :)

Your snake plate engraving is very cool. I love the way you co-mingle the animals into the design. Keep up the good work. TIRA

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