The Golden Be-jeweled Ship


~ Elite 1000 Member ~
Nov 19, 2006
Mendocino. ca., and Scotland
Leonardo, Jordi, and Josep,

Since viewing the spectacular collaboration you three have created in Spain, and kindly posted for us to see, I have been moved deeply by your work, and felt I should say something other than " terrific", etc., but then again, what does one say that begins to match this piece?

Some say the average age of master engravers (not younger masters like Jordi) is inflecting in the direction of grey hair, and yet take a look, and we see new and wonderful work continuing to be done! What is this driving force?

Just returned from a week in Los Angeles, I am trying to recover from the culture shock and compose myself again to small town living. I came across a comment I wrote several years ago, upon a poem by Alfred Lord Tennyson named "Ulysses", written in 1842. It is a reminder to us that great deeds lie ahead no matter our age or infirmities, and is good to read now and again when the energy and drive appear to be temporarily waining.

My humble apologies to our women master engravers, that this poem focuses on men, but let's face it, us guys are the gender most in need of direction?

So let us climb aboard this very real gold, be-jeweled ship, let the wind blow through what's left of our hair, and be touched by Tennyson's metaphoric lines, as we sharpen tools and try once more.... here is an extract:

I cannot rest from travel I will drink life
to the leas: all times I have enjoyed
greatly, have suffered greatly both with those
that loved me and alone - on shore and when
thro scudding drifts the rainy Hyades
vext the dim sea.

Much have I seen and known: cities of men
And manners, climates, councils governments
Myself not least but honoured of them all
And drunk delight of battle with my peers
Far on the windy heights of distant hills

Yet all experience is an arch wherethro
Gleams that untravelled world whose margin fades
Forever and forever when I move.
How dull it is to pause, to make an end
To rust unburnished not to shine in use
As tho to breathe were life. Life piled on life
Were all too little but every hour is saved
Every hour a bringer of new things.

Old age has yet its honour and its toil
Death closes all but something ere the end
Some work of noble note may yet be done
Not unbecoming men who strove with gods.
Come my friends tis not too late
to seek a newer world.

There lies the port. The vessel puffs her sail
There gloom the dark broad seas.
The lights begin to twinkle from the rocks
The long day wanes, the slow moon climbs
The deep moans round with many voices.
My purpose holds to sail beyond the sunset and the baths
Of all the western stars until I die.

It may be that the gulfs will wash me down
It may be I shall touch the happy isles
And see the great Achilles whom we knew.
Tho much is taken, much abides and tho we are
Not that strength which in old days moved heaven and earth
That which we are, we are:
One equal temper of heroic hearts
Made weak by time and fate but strong in will
To strive, to seek to find and not to yield

Thank you once more Josep, Jordi, and Leonardo! Creo que a bajo es lo mismo en Espanol, pero no se sobre qualite?



by Alfred Lord Tennyson

Poco se beneficia que un rey ocioso, por este hogar inmvil, entre
estos crags estriles, emparejados con una esposa envejecida, mete y
reparto leyes desiguales a una raza salvaje, que amonton, y duerme,
y alimenta, y me conozco no.

No puedo reclinarme de recorrido: Beber vida a las heces: todas las
veces he gozado grandemente, he sufrido grandemente, con los que me
amaron, y solamente; en orilla, y cuando a travs de derivas scudding
el Hyades lluvioso concede el mar dvil: Me hacen un nombre; Para
siempre vagar con un corazn hambriento mucho tener I visto y sabido;
ciudades de los hombres y de las maneras, climas, consejos, gobiernos,
mismo no lo menos, pero honrado de ellas todas; Y placer borracho de
la batalla con mis pares; Lejos en los llanos de sonido de Troy
ventoso. Soy parte de todos que he resuelto; Con todo toda la
experiencia es los destellos de un wherethrough del arco que
untravelled el mundo, que margen se descolora para siempre y para
siempre en que me muevo. Cmo es embotado debe detenerse brevemente,
hacer un extremo, aherrumbrar unburnished, para no brillar en uso!
Como si a la respiracin estaba la vida. La vida llenada el vida era
toda a poco, y de una a m el pequeo restos: pero cada hora se
ahorra de ese silencio eterno, algo ms, bringer de A de nuevas
cosas; y vil estaba para unos tres soles para almacenar y para
amontonarse, y este deseo vivo gris del alcohol en deseo de seguir
conocimiento como una estrella que se hunda, ms all del lmite
extremo del pensamiento humano.

ste es mi hijo, mina para poseer Telemachus, a el cual dejo el
scepter e isla-Bien-amo' de m, discerniendo para satisfacer este
trabajo, por prudencia lenta para hacer A suave a gente rugosa, y con
grados suaves someterlos al til y al bueno. El ms libre de culpa
es l, centrado en la esfera de deberes comunes, decente para no
fallar en oficinas de la dulzura, y de la adoracin de la reunin de
la paga a mis dioses de la casa, cuando me van. l trabaja su
trabajo, mina de I.

Miente el puerto; el recipiente sopla su vela: All abatimiento los
amplios mares oscuros. Mis mariners, almas que han trabajado, y
labrados, y pensado con mi'-Que con una recepcin divertida tom
siempre el trueno y la sol, y opuso corazones libres, le liberan
frente- y soy viejo; La vieja edad tena con todo su honor y su
trabajo; La muerte cierra todos: pero algo ere el extremo, un cierto
trabajo de la nota noble, se puede todava hacer, los hombres
unbecoming que se esforzaron con los dioses. Las luces comienzan a
centellear de las rocas: El da largo disminuye: las subidas lentas
de la luna: los quejidos profundos redondos con muchas voces. Venido,
mis amigos, ' Tis no demasiado tarde buscar un mundo ms nuevo.
Empujar apagado, y sentando bien en golpe violento de la orden los
surcos del sonido; para mi propsito sostiene para navegar ms all
de la puesta del sol, y de los baos de todas las estrellas
occidentales, hasta que muero. Puede ser que los golfos nos laven para
tragar: Puede ser nosotros tocar las islas felices, y ve a gran
Achilles, a que conocamos. Aunque se toma mucho, mucho habita; y
aunque no somos ahora que la fuerza que en los viejos das movi la
tierra y el cielo; el que seamos, somos, uno igual-templamos de
corazones heroicos, hecho dbil por hora y sino, pero adentro
voluntad fuerte de esforzarse, de buscar, de encontrar, y de no
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Elite Cafe Member
Jan 9, 2008
Cordoba - Argentina
Hi Rod, my friend!

I would like to tell you a lot of things… but I can’t. The language barrier is really high in these cases and I realized that would need to learn to say thanks in more and perhaps sophisticates ways but I only can say THANK you again for your kind words.
Also I consider that I do not deserve such a recognition for my little contribution to the Josep work that, at last, it was a job that I was paid for.

Many things comes along with the gray hair, experience, happiness and frustrations, some success, some failures, also pains in every part of the body but, regarding the driving force, it will always be there and I think it is our vocation (witch ever it be). We simply enjoy doing that!:)

Once again Rod, thank you for your kind words and the great poem!

Kindest regards,


Nov 11, 2006
Barcelona, Spain.
Hi Rod,

While reading this poem (I could get the meaning with the english version, much better than the translation), I felt how difficult is it to stay centered in such a complex world like ours.
Although I hadn't read anything from Tennyson, how did you know that I used to like poetry when I was younger? I reminded those years when, a small group of friends used to share our poems, trying to give expression to what we suffered and enjoyed in our privacy. Those times are past now, a long distance of 13 years ago.
I'm glad that we share the same interest in poetry. :)

That's been a great reminder of how a strong will is unbeatable. A great poem, Rod. My brother is also thankful for your thread.
I hope you are well.

Thanks very much!!



~ Elite 1000 Member ~
Apr 10, 2007
Rockville, MD
Please direct me back to the Original Pic of the Ship!

Please direct me back to the Original Pic of the Ship! I remember seeing but would like to see it again.
Maybe others who are unfamiliar with the original masterpiece might care to see it for the first time.
It is quite spectacular, almost mind boggling!


~ Elite 1000 Member ~
Apr 10, 2007
Rockville, MD
Top View of Ship Needed!


I think a top view (phto) of the ship is called for to give the true overall affect of the piece.
I want to be able to take it all in at once.