~ Elite 1000 Member ~
I am not here to fall out with anyone. I have much better things to do with my time than spend many hours at the keyboard trying to justifiy an opinion which has been questioned in such a manner. As I say, my goal is to educate and if it means one person listens and it improves their work then I've attained this goal.
I don't know about the rest of you, but it doesn't feel very nice when some people appear to be gunning for you when all you're trying to do is help novice engravers who are plainly seeking guidance. That is not to say lively discussion and debate aren't to be encouraged, it can be fun and educational too. It's just that the one person says black, the other white gets boring and far from educating a novice can just lead to confussion.
Marcus, I am in agreement. Leaving Alaska today so this is short, was at Denali today… wonderful sights to see….. last night was clear and finally could see the Northern lights . F!a!n!t!a!s!t!i!c!
But yes, there are fundamentals to engraving, rules if you will. Anybody who says other is either a fool, a rank beginner , extremely misguided, or someone who is trying to deliberately trying to hold others back from growing and excelling in the art. I’m sorry but thats it from my viewpoint. Yes, you can break the rules….. somewhat….once you know them. Before you know them and abide by them, breaking of the rules looks like what it is… similar to a child’s fingerpainting…. Interesting and an effort that should be encouraged for a growth in the interest of the art, but not considered worthy of adoration or excessive praise.
Basic fundamental is….. something simple….. straight lines. Straight is straight……. Can’t have any zig-zags or it’s another kind of line. If a border is not straight…. Everybody knows it…lay a ruler against, it is not straight. No question.
Next level? Is the scroll round? What is round?? Not having straight lines in the middle of a curved line? I think so. It’s a rule. Get over it. Should scrolls flow in the proper direction? Yes its rule. Doing otherwise shows poor design knowledge or lack of attention to detail. Beyond that, there are some variations on a theme, but balance and symmetry issues start to kick in for the overall pattern.
Gotta run. Later