I made a previous post but perhaps this will clarify my issue more. I was unable to make a parallel heel with my dual angle fixture correctly. I watched Tira's video on sharpening along with Sam's. Sam instructed to use a ceramic lap to make a .25mm heel. Tira used what looked like a much larger traditional heel and a diamond wheel then polished it. I tried with a 1200 grit wheel and got a traditional heel that is a hair larger than .25mm but it is easier to make very tight curves without any heel drag. The cut does not look great because I'm assuming its not polished. Does the ceramic lap actually take any material off of the graver to achieve the angled heel? I don't have much experience in this and imp trying to find a method that works and that i can repeat time and time again. I understand that what may work for one person does not work for another. I feel like I am missing something in the process of making these gravers. If I can get it to work with a traditional heal that would be great given my sharpening system I have. Thank you for any help.