Question: What 1911 to use as a canvas?

Sep 17, 2021
Los Angeles California
hi guys I’m thinking about trying my hand at engraving my first gun sometime in the future. i really like the look of 1911s but I have a limited selection to pick from In my state i would love to engrave a colt but they are unavailable In California. What alternatives do you guys recommend?


Elite Cafe Member
Jul 25, 2009
For a first "gun engraving attempt" I'd look towards an import cap and ball revolver, though they are no longer readily available, they are still relatively inexpensive and offer the beginning cutter many opportunities to hone the required skills to succeed at firearms engraving.
Feb 12, 2016
pittsburgh pa
i really cant believe i am actually going to open my mouth about anything at all in here. you see i am also so green that i still have that new kid smell around me. i also am going to attempt my first destruction of a firearm, but i am going to work on am old pellet gun that cant be fixed. i wish you nothing but the best on your first piece


Staff member
::::Pledge Member::::
Feb 11, 2007
washington, pa
i really cant believe i am actually going to open my mouth about anything at all in here. you see i am also so green that i still have that new kid smell around me. i also am going to attempt my first destruction of a firearm, but i am going to work on am old pellet gun that cant be fixed. i wish you nothing but the best on your first piece
there are those of us that get good tips and ideas from folks that are a bit reluctant to chime in here. your idea is an excellent one. no reason for a newbie to do a "first" on such an item. it's a learning experience without the danger of ruining an otherwise pricey firearm.


Elite Cafe Member
Jul 25, 2009
For a first "gun engraving attempt" I'd look towards an import cap and ball revolver, though they are no longer readily available, they are still relatively inexpensive and offer the beginning cutter many opportunities to hone the required skills to succeed at firearms engraving.
Over the years doing research on the 600 plus pages of threads on this forum, the one constant that continued to be pushed was "use a cheap Italian import cap and ball revolver" for your first firearms engraving venture, the thinking behind that wisdom is that most first time firearms engravers will actually decrease the value of their first project, also that the quality of cutting will noticeably improve and refine over the course of the project.

This is the premise behind my earlier post.
Feb 12, 2016
pittsburgh pa
thank you for any feedback you can offer and it is indeed a pleasure to meet you all. i have been in awe of your work for years but, like i said earlier i kinda keep to myself due to my inability to carry on an intelligent conversation due to my lack of ability, i was just saying i am definitely not going to add value to anything i touch at this point, i am still fearfully drawing scrolls unsuccessfully. i made a few attempts at reading a James meek book and have had my problems staying at it. i have a couple of books on order by a Mr. smith, scrolls and advanced scrolls, i think. lol like i said rookie here. i just know that i cant hurt a pellet gun that you can no longer buy parts for is a good choice for me. my biggest problem at this point is i have a pencil lol ,but I don't have a place to get feedback.. that added to my old school mental blocks on working with computer's. of course i have a computer or i wouldn't be talking. i also have a smart phone that is so much smarter than me ,, its embarrassing. is there an article i can read that would point me in a direction i could go to educate this old man on how to share my lol work. and how to look at others work. can i do it with the combination of smart phone and computer or am i going to have to get more equipment to do these things. my apologies up front for my lack of ability where cell phones and computers collide but i have never really had to work with either to make a living and therefor I'm just lost. it has been some many years since i was last in here but i remember coming here and getting lost for hours enjoying the works of art in here. in the past i have simply been an observer because i was helping my father on his journey that we must all travel some day and now i have some time, tools and a bullhead to try to learn this delicate and enjoyable art. now that i have totally and completely embarrassed myself by opening my mouth you might not be able to shut me up. please be gentle with your comments, as i am with mine
Sep 17, 2021
Los Angeles California
Some classes at GRS use the Rock Island Armory GI series. They are relatively inexpensive and have a clean slide. The logo that you see on the slide is not engraved into it and the slide and frame clean up nicely with lots of room for most any kind of 1911 design.
Thanks for the tip Allen! RIA 1911a look good unfortunately that opens up a whole new can of worms for me when comes to surface prepping and finishing. I have a jewelers background so I have a pritty good understanding of sanding, polishing and getting tool marks out of materials but im no gunsmith. is prepping a firearm any different to prepping any other materiel for engraving? I’m curious about how you go about removing surface finishes as part of the prep work. especially a black parkerized finish like on the RIA 1911. Does it all have to be brought back to the unfinished white?

John B.

Lifetime Pledge Member
::::Pledge Member::::
Nov 9, 2006
Los Angeles area, California.
Hello JB the Apprentice.
If you decide to go with the Rock Island GI you might put in a post on the FEGA forum, for some names of , and people to help you with the takedown and prep work.
Just a thought. And best of luck with your project.


Elite Cafe Member
Aug 7, 2019
Raleigh, NC
As to taking a 1911 apart, there are many books that include complete stripping instructions and many YouTube videos showing how to do so. As to taking off a Parkerized finish, many people just sand it off. However, there are some chemical solutions made for the purpose (most blue remover solutions do not take off Parkerizing). Unless they have started doing so in the last few weeks, Brownell's does NOT carry solutions to remove Parkerizing. I found online a variety of folks who recommend Losso QuickStrip. I recently bought some to try on a new project. I will report back here when I do. Everything I have seen so far indicates that it does work like it advertises and reduces the time to prepare the surfaces.,and rinse thoroughly with water.

JJ Roberts

:::Pledge Member:::
::::Pledge Member::::
Nov 10, 2006
Manassas, VA
Allen, For stripping I start with Power Lysol toilet bowl cleaner then hand polish with wet & dry automotive paper if pitting flies and fine stones are used all the polishing is done by hand no buffing you don't want to dish out any pin or screw holes or round off any sharp edges that the way I prep all guns for engraving. J.J.


Elite Cafe Member
Oct 10, 2010
Volant, PA 60 miles north of Pittsburgh
Radocy publishes many takedown guides for firearms. They are inexpensive and easy to follow. If I have any questions about disassembly I search for their guides. I think Brownells sells them. I'm sure if you will find them on the net. Do a search.


Elite Cafe Member
Aug 7, 2019
Raleigh, NC
Allen, For stripping I start with Power Lysol toilet bowl cleaner then hand polish with wet & dry automotive paper if pitting flies and fine stones are used all the polishing is done by hand no buffing you don't want to dish out any pin or screw holes or round off any sharp edges that the way I prep all guns for engraving. J.J.
JJ, is the Lysol TBC for stripping off bluing or for stripping off Parkerizing? Or both?


~ Elite 1000 Member ~
Nov 10, 2006
Eden, NC
JJ, is the Lysol TBC for stripping off bluing or for stripping off Parkerizing? Or both?
I also use the Lysol TBC for removing bluing but haven't tried it to remove Parkerizing. Off hand I don't think it will remove Parkerizing but I've been known to be wrong before!

JJ Roberts

:::Pledge Member:::
::::Pledge Member::::
Nov 10, 2006
Manassas, VA
Allen, I use the Lysol cleaner for stripping the bluing only never had a gun with Parkerizing to strip it may work I don't know also use Lysol for the French Gray finish hope that of help for you. J.J.

JJ Roberts

:::Pledge Member:::
::::Pledge Member::::
Nov 10, 2006
Manassas, VA
tdelewis, Yes the regular power Lysol toilet bowl cleaner is what I use for stripping bluing and French Gray finish. J.J.


Jun 4, 2012
General question. For someone wanting to engrave there first hand gun and thinking of a 1911 style would a slide only be a viable choice? This should avoid the OP problem with california availability as just the slide should not be considered as a firearm as there isn’t a chamber, barrel or many other parts needed to actually fire a gun.
Sep 17, 2021
Los Angeles California
General question. For someone wanting to engrave there first hand gun and thinking of a 1911 style would a slide only be a viable choice? This should avoid the OP problem with california availability as just the slide should not be considered as a firearm as there isn’t a chamber, barrel or many other parts needed to actually fire a gun.
think I will chime back In here. A 1911 slide is not considered a firearm. However a new law passed in california regulating precursor parts to combat ghost guns. As far as i understand it you can’t just buy gun parts in California without a FFL. I could be completely wrong tho I’m no expert on cali gun laws lol.

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