What do you say?


Elite Cafe Member
Oct 3, 2008
Chris, You do some pretty nice work.

You got your own style in everything your are.

You contribute to the verity of life, and I believe, after everything is said and done, it is a positive contrubution.

Hang in there my Mountain Friend.

Peter E

~ Elite 1000 Member ~
Nov 9, 2006
Canton CT
I typically agree with your perspective and I have no problem with your choice of words either.

I have had my share of confrontational situations throughout my life, including spending 30 years in the "corporate" environment where I always seemed to fall on the politically INcorrect side of things!

I've seen totally incompetent idiots have entire careers and thrive, because they were part of the current regime. Sort of like....well I won't bring that up:big grin:

As i've gotten OLDER i've arrived at a place more like Andrew, where I find it is just not worth wasting the time and energy to "discuss" reality, truth etc., with some people.

If someone I care about wants an honest opinion, I am happy to provide it.

Then, it is MY opinion and I do value that everyone is entitled to have their own.

Looking forward to meeting you at Scott's.

Roger Keagle

Elite Cafe Member
Mar 12, 2009
Korumburra Australia
It is hard when you show your own work, I know having sold my knives at gun shows and even craft markets...but I will add, I have gone home with heaps of ideas on how to improve after such shows...customers really are somtimes blunt, but where I really get the truth is from kids....they are great ! You did the right thing, "if you can't say somting nice, don't say anything at all" is what my Dad taught me...here it is different, we need and ask for comments and look for improvment in our work...in private, at home, near our tools where we can go out to the shop and use what we learn. At a show you are stuck and a bit tender...but in time your skin gets pretty thick ...

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