Omar, the big thing here is: you can get nothing related to pneumatic engraving and a lot of sand and dust.
You have to become inventive and solve the issues with available option like the diving air cylinder, local guy 100 km further in another town to make the stand, get the last table top from Ikea, and have other stuff shipped from Holland. That shipment took 2 months to get is here. Then I had the power converted in my compound home to 220v instead of the regular 110v (US style). In Holland all power is 220v and the machines that I shipped from Holland are 220v designed. Even simple Philips screws are rare here. But.... I got it together and working. Now I have a nice and very special hobby here in the desert! My other job is on a large chemical newly built complex to prepare and run the Turnarounds. So, with my engraving I have a nice balance as well with the big stuff from my other job. I have made the setup of the bench now in such a way that I can dismantle and ship the whole shop easily to any place in the world for future residential moves.
The sand and dust is an other thing you have to take measures for. My hand piece is kept in the blue glasses box with a recess for he air tube. The microscope is covered with the usual cover that comes with it and all the rest of my tools are in toolboxes stowed away. Even with all windows closed and sealed, after a sand storm all is covered with a layer of very fine grain sand. It is a lot of cleaning but you do not want that sand in the machines nor hand pieces. But you get used to it to pay attention and cover as much as possible.
The most important thing is: I can use my nice tools and engrave again!