Arnaud, The picture of me in the avatar was taken when I was 12 years old and the shirt is plaid the picture of me and Ollie that I'm wearing is a camo shirt. I like the photo of you and your daughter, only thing missing is the magic flying carpet. J.J.
It's really fun to see everyone and their families. I don't know how to put captions under each picture so I will describe them here and let you match to the caption to the picture.
-Cutting the Christmas tree. As I get older I think less of this tradition but no one seems to be excited about a plastic tree. This photo shows my son, wife, and two youngest, along with the old grizzled guy. It was taken a few years ago and my youngest is now 15 and bench presses 200. We don't arm wrestle anymore.
-Family in front of the house. Everyone is here except Isaac, who you saw in the tree cutting. My oldest daughter with her husband -holding my grandson-and two girls. The younger beard-beard in training I tell him-is my oldest son. My middle daughter in on my left-your right as you view the photo- and her brand new husband. He is starting to get used to the family. Some say we are an acquired taste. I have no idea what they are talking about. The beautiful ones in the middle are my youngest daughter Janessa and my wife. My wife attended a class reunion a couple of years ago- I was not able to go- and when she proudly showed the family photos was asked "how many husbands have you had"?
-This is the winter attire in the garage. It's a bit unsettling to look at the piece one is working on and see a fog which as it turns out is simply one's breath. I know buy a heater and stop whining.
Here is a few pictures. A 1963 Vette I bought when I was a kid(15). I owned it for 10 years. I wish I still had it. I still shoot trap and play guitar out at some club.