Did you all notice the number of views 55,000-Gotta be a record of some type. Joes thread on lettering had quit a following but this is really something. I think Gaskins workbench tread is still a little ahead but not much. Great job Sam since you started it and Abigail showed us your real shop not the one you claimed was yours.
Fred, i have to admit the bench was particularly clean because it was new...at the moment it doesn't shine for sure!
But if you see in the photo i have other two tables that i use for the messy things! in this way my engraving bench stay reasonably clean.
I do in this way also because i hate to mess up with dirty stuff too close with my microscope ( it cost me an eye!!)
I'm taking over a corner of the "gun shop" a 10x12 shack that we have on our property for my work area. This shack is nicer than my house. Just using an old desk we had in my sons room for now but I'm hoping to find something better soon. That area was originally where the safe was going to go but we both got lazy and didn't want to move it.
Besides selling the inventory we have on hand we also do a lot of transfers since Colorado changed the law about private sales. Fortunately this means I have a lot of people coming in and seeing my setup and asking questions.
Hopefully when I'm ready I shouldn't have a problem finding work. I'm shocked at how many people are already asking how much I charge when they look at my practice pieces which aren't all that great.
I do drag the compressor out to the porch when I start working so I don't go deaf. I'm hoping a quiet compressor is in my future but I have other priorities now.
I walked into the house last night and told my husband I wanted to buy a couple more things and he seemed surprised I even ran it by him. I'm very very very lucky.
I've been splitting my engraving tools into two so I can have a complete bench at my mint for doing die work and one at home for engraving nickels and musical instruments. My home bench is shown somewhere earlier in this thread. I'm also including two shots of my mobile bench I built for my Chevy conversion van a few years ago for when I travel to music festivals. The second shot is my rack I built several years ago to hold gravers, saw blades, bits, stones and attachments. I like it so much I'm building an identical one so I'll have one at each bench.