What difference does anyone else liking your piece make ?
Cut a piece of copper to match your knife, engrave it and decide for yourself !
Carry this piece around for several weeks.
If after a few weeks you're still happy with the design or need to tweak it, do it .
Lee's book/video set is also really worth getting, if you haven't already. Sam's video is money well spent and not just the scroll vid. All of them have been a huge help to me.
As far as your drawings go, I'm probably the last person to offer any input but I will anyway... It's how I roll!!
The first drawing looks like a good start if you were going to do a English scroll style deal, but otherwise looks (to my VERY untrained eye) too busy with repetitive scrolls and not enough variation to make it visually interesting
The second drawing looks really good to me except for the middle top coming out of the "jellybean" (my term, TIFWIW!). It doesn't seem connected to anything. Other than that, I love it. I hope you'll work it out and actually cut the knife, i can't wait to see the finished product!!
Note 1: The leaf that is originating from that point doesn't appear to be "growing" from the scroll. It abruptly appears, breaking the flow of the design.
Note 2: The leaf awkwardly exits the scroll, spoiling the flow.
Note 3: This leaf is basically floating in space, next to the scroll. it fills up space, but it seriously disrupts the feel of the leaf structure.
Here's my attempt to fix some of the issues Mike pointed out.
View attachment 39791