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  1. Chujybear

    Gold turning greenish in pickle

    Muriatic might do the trick of nitric... some interesting information ralf... the whys behind what works!
  2. Chujybear

    Gold turning greenish in pickle

    Green gold is an alloy that is basically a silver rich alloy. So if you wanted, you could mix pure silver (and no copper) for the far end of a green gold. It could be that there is more silver than copper in your alloy. the other thing that could be at play is so with if called depletion...
  3. Chujybear

    Best (cheapest) place for Jun-Air oil?

    Hey Mitch, How’s that Werther oil working? Compressor blow up yet?
  4. Chujybear

    Gold solder flow issue

    Maybe that you are trying to solder gold as tho it were silver.. with gold you don’t have to worry as much about heating up the whole piece... you can focus on your joint much earlier than you would with silver.. that said, you still have to sneak up on it a bit... I barely solder...
  5. Chujybear


    What helped me- soup can. Laying on my side -arms to my side, elbow bent. Lifted the soup can up from the bed and back down... amazingly effective.
  6. Chujybear

    Microscope setup to avoid back and neck pain.

    Mitch, Are you then viewing your piece on an even plane (cutting surface parallel with objective lens? Or do you have anything of a raking view?
  7. Chujybear

    Attila The Hun Coin

    Got that conquering the known world hair do going on
  8. Chujybear

    Lindsay BenchJewel Graver and hammer/chisel + ball vise.

    Ya.. you will want a vice that you can fix in place.. you might be better off with a wood carvers vise, where you can move your piece around for different angles of attack, but you can lock it in place when you find your spot.
  9. Chujybear

    New to engraving need help~! Regarding Sam Alfano hammer/chisel

    In the meantime practice sharpening. I like to keep 3-4 of the same tool around so i can stave off sharpening for a bit.. then i will do a whole bunch at once when they pile up.
  10. Chujybear

    Illustrator Question

    You link the last node to the first node to make an enclosed object.. (i think the shortcut is P, its been a while since i messed with illustrator there are a number of ways you can intersect shapes that you have created, ie join, cut one out of the other etc.. all in the merge menu..
  11. Chujybear

    Falcon Feathers Ahoy!

    Very cool Jim.. Can’t wait to see it through
  12. Chujybear

    special adaptor

    Or just keep the business end in a vice. Will ḵeep it cool
  13. Chujybear

    Question: From bright to matte

    You can engrave fine honed up to 600. You won’t get a matte color tho, it will be essentially streaky. But I guess will hold color better.... but I don’t know how much help the ink needs
  14. Chujybear

    Looking for engraver for medieval breastplate

    Reppousse is the “easier” route if you are doing a one off. casting, at least casting done well, takes all the work of carving the original work.. then going through the process of casting it. then you wind up chasing and tee grabbing the surface anyways. This will save all kinds of time in...
  15. Chujybear

    Pitt Rivers museum Guns

    And some old friends
  16. Chujybear

    Pitt Rivers museum Guns

    Hopefully haven’t doubled up. They all attach out of order.
  17. Chujybear

    Pitt Rivers museum Guns

    No problem. looking at guns could take up a couple of trips. Wish I had more time. My hours have been swallowed up by bowls and chests.
  18. Chujybear

    Pitt Rivers museum Guns

    Guess I have to do it ten at a time
  19. Chujybear

    Pitt Rivers museum Guns

    Just visiting Oxford again for research and other work. min not here to look at guns, but of course there is a lot of guns and other arms to see.
  20. Chujybear

    Scope advice

    I used a plastic lens first. Got it from an eye dr. Either plus 3 or negative 3 diopter. I fit it into a piece of pvc and taped it to my scope. Worked. Little bit of chromatic aberration, but not so that it interferes with carving.

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