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  1. M

    Question: leonardos light

    tyvm 4 that. leonardo was concerned that thre may have been xtra charges on the usa end.
  2. M

    Inlay question

    i think that very fine diamond dental burrs would work. you'd need a very, very steady hand to do this.
  3. M

    Brother where art thou?

    jockey: how long did it take you to type all that? just curious.
  4. M

    Brother where art thou?

    i'm still usin an ancient hp with a 92 black carteidge. should have bit the dust 5 years ago, but still worx. i got a brand new brother, given to me by a friend that didn't like it. no good deed goes unpunished, i , too, gave the thing to another unsuspectting friend ! the brother i had used 4...
  5. M

    Question: leonardos light

    i want one. what additional charges are placed on the ring lights when they come into the usa ?
  6. M

    Help, please: Coin carving question

    i also use tiny scrapers that i use to pull, rather than push. fewer disasters that way. just a few of my hobo tools. most are repurposed dental instruments. cut to size and sharpened to suit the way i work. be friend a dentist !
  7. M

    How Deep To Cut?

    the problem ( maybe ) depending on the graver in use, the deeper you cut, the wider it gets. this may be the effect you want, maybe not. if you're using an air toy, those tools will let you cut almost clean thru a plate. when pushing, it's far more difficult to get too deep.
  8. M

    Engraving motorcycle parts

    i've done harley fenders and other parts. the parts were sent to paducah, kentucky for deplating. i've learned the worst way about plating. if it chips along the cutline, you got an unhappy client. a real mess to try and remediate. for a time, i'd warn the cust and proceed with their blind...
  9. M

    Help, please: Coin carving question

    you can use burnishers, very fine abrasive sticks, tooth picks, lotsa things. do a bit of experimenting. decide what works best for you and go with that. chris decamillis sell such abrasives. check out his site.
  10. M

    Question: Throwback to an old thread

    classical music works 4 me. gatemouth brown is good too, but one cant possibly engrave whilst listening to him.
  11. M

    leonardo: i'm interested in buying one of your ring lites. please email details to...

    leonardo: i'm interested in buying one of your ring lites. please email details to when it is convenient for you. thank you for the helpful info you share with us on the forum. monk
  12. M

    Help, please: Trying to teach myself engraving while at home

    crap ! when i was born, i didn't speak engwish. coudunt reed it either. now look at me, not much improvement, but am enjoying life to the extent the gov allows!
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    Critique Request Another attempt at Blackleaf

    i'd be happy if i were the owner.
  14. M

    Critique Request Bulino Lion

    yes. that's a very good improvement jmho
  15. M

    Critique Request First piece of silver jewelry

    way better to my eye
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    i've made signs with stuff called "alumalite" 2 thin sheets of painted aluminum bonded to a foam core. nice stuff to work with.
  17. M

    New Damascus Purdey

    stock is beautiful. the iron, well, looks like a piece of op art straight out of the gallery in ny city.
  18. M

    A simple scroll

    very nice. your hand looks as tho you drinkintoo coffee !
  19. M

    Help, please: dubble trubble

    did that right off. lotsa interesting things there, but nothin no patterns to download. omg, i dread the thought to using a pencil !! just kidding
  20. M

    Interesting Antique Graver

    you may be right. i never thought of the old engravers tryin to reinvent the wheel. where would we be, right now, without folks experimenting ? without pushing the bar. imagine the shock when some dude invented a marketable pantograph ! that must have been frightning to a whole bunch of talented...

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