This reminds me of my "vanning" days. I had a '75 Chevy van named "Chuckwagon" with airbrushed scenes all over it. The primary side was almost exactly like your presentation at sunset and as you went around the van the sun was setting a little lower for each panel. The back doors has an owl...
I was taught by a sign painter early in my formative years to always check my work either in a mirror or, in the case of lettering and color values, to check it through squinted eyes. That will always disclose poor work or tone values.
We're locked down here in NC also and it looks like it will continue until May or so. I understand the Engrave-In was scheduled around the NRA convention but seeing as how it has been canceled maybe Scott could reschedule it around the Atlanta Blade Show which is still on, according to their...
Get a good book on calligraphy (or watch the many videos available on YouTube) and learn the basics of spacing and structure for lettering. It's more complicated than most people think.
Years ago I was presented a Ruger Redhawk with Ken's name on it. When I showed it to Ken many years later he told me it was done in his shop by an employee and he wished he never placed his name on it and some of the other works that came from his shop. "Caveat emptor."
Well, you asked: The lettering is very, and I mean VERY, amateurous, nowhere near what it should be. Also, the overall design lacks continuity and flats, elbows and just about every other scroll mistake is represented. There is graver diving and "porpoising" in all aspects of the cutting along...
It is regular printer's ink used in printmaking and stamping, found at well stocked art supply stores. It is almost like the ink for fingerprinting, although that is done electronically.
Sam's method works very well. Saying that, I have used printer's ink thinned a little with lighter fluid or isopropyl alcohol with success, and after application bake it a little while (30-45 minutes) at low heat to advance the curing process.
I also give a flat price, usually "not to exceed" and if I'm efficient and can justify it, I'll give a little back. That doesn't happen very often. When you have a definite budget for the work you get pretty good at estimating your time.
Not saying the face was intended to be a self portrait, but I airbrushed a downhill skier on a van in the '70's called "Snowbound" and when it was finished my wife wanted to know why I had painted myself as the skier. Weird how things sneak in on you without you even realizing it.
Any way, great...
Looks like there may be a "conflict" brewing, especially since a democratic member of VA's legislature suggested they use the National Guard to enforce the gun control laws passed.
To date there are more than 93 counties and cities designated sanctuary status and more signing daily.